
London Borough of Tower Hamlets: Best Value Inspector appointment letters

Letters appointing Best Value Inspectors in relation to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Applies to England



Copies of the letters from Max Soule, Deputy Director, Local Government Stewardship, at Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to Kim Bromley-Derry CBE DL, Suki Binjal , Sir John Jenkins and Philip Simpkins.

The letter to Kim Bromley-Derry CBE DL appoints him as Lead Inspector in relation to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, under section 10 of the Local Government Act 2010.

The letters to Suki Binjal, Sir John Jenkins and Philip Simpkins appoint them as Assistant Inspectors in relation to the same Authority. The letters set out the scope of the inspection and the responsibilities of the Inspectors.

Published 22 February 2024