
Brazil: translators and interpreters

Updated 26 March 2024

Name Email Telephone Address Regions served Languages
Trade Board in the State of Acre +55 68 3224-3441 Av. Antonio da Rocha Viana, 1.579, Isaura Parente. CEP.: 69.918-308 State of Acre English,Spanish,German,Italian,Portuguese,Arabic,German
Trade Board in the State of Alagoas +55 82 3315 9903 Av. Fernandes Lima, 1681 - Pinheiro, Maceió - AL, 57055-000, Brazil State of Alagoas Unspecified
Trade Board in the State of Amapa +55 96 98809 6977 Av. Fab, 1610 - Central, Macapá - AP, 68900-073, Brazil State of Amapá Unspecified
Trade Board in the State of Amazonas +55 92 98621 4945 Rua Major Gabriel, 1728, 1º Andar - Praça 14 CEP: 69020-060 - Manaus - AM State of Amazonas English, Spanish
Trade Board in the State of Bahia +55 71 3326-8034 +55 71 3326-8033 Rua Miguel Calmon, nº 555, Edifício Citibank, térreo e parte do 1º andar - Comércio CEP 40015-010 - Salvador - Bahia State of Bahia English, Spanish, German, Italian
Trade Board in the State of Ceará   +55 85 3108-2900 Rua Vinte e Cinco de Março, 300 - Centro Fortaleza, CE CEP: 60.060-120 State of Ceará English, Spanish, German, French, Italian
Trade Board in Distrito Federal +55 61 98242 1358 Setor de Autarquias Sul, Quadra 02, Lote 01/A s/n, Q. 2, Brasília - DF, 70070-020 Distrito Federal English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Romanian, Russian, Japanese
Trade Board in the State of Espírito Santo +55 27 3636 9300 Av. Nossa Senhora da Penha, nº 1915, Bairro Santa Lúcia – Vitória/ES. CEP 29.056-933 State of Espírito Santo English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Russian
Trade Board in the State of Goiás +55 62 3240-2215 Rua 107 nº 151 - Setor Sul - Goiânia - GO State of Goiás English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic
Trade Board in the State of Maranhao +55 98 2106 8500 Avenida Pedro II, N 209, Centro Histórico, São Luís, CEP 65010-450 State of Maranhão Unspecified
Trade Board in the State of Mato Grosso +55 65 3613-9511 Av. Historiador Rubens de Mendonça, 3949, CPA, Cuiabá-MT, 78049-090 State of Mato Grosso English, Spanish, French
Trade Board in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul +55 67 3316 4470 Rua Dr. Arthur Jorge, 1376 - CEP 79.010-210 - Campo Grande/MS State of Mato Grosso do Sul English, Spanish, German, French, Italian
Trade Board in the State of Minas Gerais Only whatsapp: +55 31 984432742 +55 31 3235-2300 Avenida Augusto de Lima, 1942 - Barro Preto Belo Horizonte, MG - CEP 30190-008 State of Minas Gerais English, Spanish, German, French Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Latin
Trade Board in the State of Pará +55 91 3122 7007 Av. Magalhães Barata, 1.234 entre Trav. Castelo Branco e Av. José Bonifácio State of Pará English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Russian
Trade Board in the State of Paraíba +55 83 3142 0022 Avenida Dr. João da Mata, nº 200 – Jaguaribe – João Pessoa/PB - CEP: 58015-900 State of Paraíba Spanish, French
Trade Board in the State of Paraná +55 41 3310 3480 +55 41 3310 3489 Rua Barão do Serro Azul, 316 Centro 80020-180 - Curitiba - PR State of Paraná English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Polish, Japanese, Ukrainian, Russian
Trade Board in the State of Pernambuco +55 81 3182 5230 Rua Imperial, 1600, São José, Recife, Pernambuco CEP: 50090-000 State of Pernambuco English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese
Trade Board in the State of Piauí +55 86 3230-8800 Rua General Osório, 3002 - Cabral, Teresina/PI CEP: 64000-580 State of Piauí English
Trade Board in the State of Rio de Janeiro   +55 21 2334-5409 +55 21 2334 5410 Avenida Rio Branco, 10 - Centro - RJ CEP: 20090-000 State of Rio de Janeiro English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Latin, Czech
Trade Board in the State of Rio Grande do Norte +55 95 2121 5384 Avenida Duque de Caxias, 214 - Ribeira, CEP: 59012-200 Natal - RN State of Rio Grande do Norte English
Trade Board in the State of Rio Grande do Sul +55 51 3216-7500 Avenida Júlio de Castilhos, 120 - Centro Histórico Porto Alegre - RS 90030-130 State of Rio Grande do Sul English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinês
Trade Board in the State of Roraima   Av. Jaime Brasil nº 157, Centro, Boa Vista, CEP: 69301-350, Roraima State of Roraima English, Spanish
Trade Board in the State of Rondônia +55 69 3212 8358 Av. Farquar, 2986 - Bairro Pedrinhas CEP 76.801-470 - Porto Velho, RO State of Rondônia English, Spanish, German
Trade Board in the State of Santa Catarina Only through website +55 48 3665-5900 Av. Rio Branco, 387 - Florianópolis SC - CEP: 88015-201 State of Santa Catarina English, Spanish, German, French, Italian
Trade Board in the State of São Paulo Only through website +55 11 3468-3050 +55 11 3468 3051 Rua Guiaicurus 1394 - Lapa - São Paulo - CEP:05033-002 State of São Paulo English, Spanish German, French, Italian, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Danish, Slovakian, Slovenian, Greek, Hebrew, Dutch, Hungarian, Latin, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, Russian, Czech
Trade Board in the State of Sergipe +55 79 3234-4100 Rua Propriá, Nº 315 – Centro, Aracaju/SE State of Sergipe English, Spanish, French
Trade Board in the State of Tocantins +55 63 3218 4825 Q. 103 Rua SO 5, 07 - Lote 12 - Plano Diretor Sul, Palmas-TP 77015-030 State of Tocantins No registered translator


If you decide to use any of the service providers on this list, we would like to hear from you. While there is no obligation on your part to provide feedback on the services you receive, any feedback you can give us is helpful. You can send feedback by email to, including the country and name of the list in your email. Or contact us below:

British Embassy Brasilia

Quadra 801 - Conjunto K - Lote 08Av. das Nações - Asa Sul
CEP 70408-900 Brasilia

Switchboard +55 (61) 3329 2300

Facsmile +55 (61) 3329 2369

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