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Wethersfield: community update newsletter

Updated 24 May 2024

Key information to update the local community about Wethersfield asylum accommodation centre. 

This is an update with input from some of the key partners that feed into the Multi Agency Forum (MAF), which supports operational planning of the asylum accommodation in Wethersfield.

The MAF consists of representatives from the Home Office, Braintree District Council, Essex Police, Mid and South Essex NHS, Essex Fire & Rescue, East of England Strategic Migration Partnerships and the site operator, Clearsprings Ready Homes.

This newsletter has been developed to help provide you, the local community, with relevant site updates and future developments, answers to questions you may have and provide reassurances to your concerns.   

Please share the following information with your networks.

Site update

Whilst the conditions of the Special Development Order (SDO) are met, one of which required clarification between Department of Levelling up and Housing Communities (DLUHC) and Home Office over which selection criteria policy to use, the capacity level remains at 580. The Home Office was required to reduce the number of people on the site, necessitating moving around 70 people to other asylum accommodation around the country.

Residents continue to move off site to alternative accommodation, in line with the agreed time period of 9 months which asylum seekers can stay on site or through choice of their own to stay with relatives and friends.

During April, a number of the residents observed Ramadan with an additional mealtime put in place to allow breaking of fast. During Easter, residents were invited to take part in an Easter Egg Hunt on site.

The on-site catering services have been improved and positive feedback is being received by residents. A monthly food forum is being held with the first meeting having taken place in April providing insightful feedback to the catering team allowing improvement to be made.

Activities on site continue for residents with English Language conversation classes, Spiritual Christian Groups and Art Classes being the latest on offer as well as the usual gardening Club and various sports activities.

The second residents forum will also be taking place and followed up with a newsletter which is shared with all residents on site.

A new food preparation course for residents has commenced on site. This will be a rolling programme moving forward.

Special development order

Planning permission was granted to extend the use of Wethersfield site for a further 3 years under a Special Development Order (SDO) on Thursday 21 March 2024. An SDO is a form of secondary legislation made by laying a Statutory Instrument in Parliament. In line with parliamentary convention, the order will come into effect 21 days later.

The extended planning permission is for the temporary use of the site for a further 3-year period, with up to 6 months decommissioning following.

The purpose of the SDO is to enable the government to secure consent to continue using the site as asylum accommodation once the original Class Q powers expire. This ensures that the government can continue to fulfil its statutory duties to accommodate asylum seekers who would otherwise be destitute.

Read more information relating to SDO conditions.

Surveys completed to date as part of these conditions have not identified any risks to anyone on the site.

The conditions in the SDO have given rise to some reports about ordnance and munitions and contamination. The site was cleared and checked for unexploded/live ordnance and munitions by the MOD at the end of the site’s operational use as an active MOD site. No unexploded or live ordnance was found or remained on the site.

The Home Office prioritises the safety of all those on the site and would not permit anyone, staff or asylum seekers, on the site if there was any credible or immediate evidence or concern that unexploded or live ordnance is present.

Additionally, ordnance and munitions were not stored on the site in those parts of the site that are used to accommodate asylum seekers when it was an active military base.

The Home Office conducted additional unexploded ordnance and radiological checks, as stipulated by conditions in the Special Development Order, that further verified that there are no historic and previously undetected unexploded or live ordnance, and no radiological contamination was detected on the site and no remedial steps were required.

Rwanda Bill

There have been rumours circulating that since the Rwanda Bill came into effect, Wethersfield would be changed into a detention centre.

Wethersfield is a non-detained site and those living at the site are able to come and go. The process for leaving the site is the same as the rest of Home Office asylum contingency accommodation.

Bus service

There have been a few enquiries about the use of the private bus service provided to residents of the site. These concerns are that the service discriminates against the wider community by providing a private service to the site residents.

The bus service is funded by the Home Office, and such a service is provided at other large asylum accommodation sites around the country. 

The bus provides 3 daily shuttle runs into local towns, per day. The bus service is required in order to limit any impact on the local community, and to allow residents to explore the local area whilst also being good for the physical and mental well-being of residents and is helping to build community cohesion as local people get to know the humans behind the headlines.


All individuals arriving on the Wethersfield site are offered a comprehensive health assessment, including screening, and testing for infectious diseases. A mental health assessment tool is also used to assist the primary care team on site with their initial evaluations of an individual’s health requirements. This enables prompt decision-making for general medical or mental health care and support plans.

Vaccinations are offered in line with national guidance. All residents have access to primary health care provision, which includes GP services Monday to Friday, 10.00 to 18.00 hrs. In addition, the fitness and wellbeing activities on site positively contribute to wellbeing and health. The provision of health care services on site to all residents minimises any potential impact on the local services in the area.

Migrant Help service commissioned by the Home Office will be available on site from the summer, in conjunction with the online and telephone helpline. It was felt that in view of the size of the site with the population made up of new arrivals to the UK that they would benefit from an in-person advice service to help answer their questions and alleviate pressure on the voluntary sector in Colchester and Braintree.

Community safety

There are often rumours whenever a crime is committed, alleging site residents are involved. This can quickly escalate on social media. The Essex Police website has updates on many incidents across the area. If you require any further information, please use this resource.

Voluntary and community activity

Braintree District Council (BDC) is ready to start handing over funding for the pilot discretionary activities grant scheme, subject to onsite risk assessments.

Successful applicants needed to demonstrate to Braintree District Council and Home Office how their proposed recreational/educational activities would benefit service users, along with fulfilling separate Home Office criteria. 

As a result, volunteers already working on site will be boosted with funding provision for English language, art and gardening materials. Applications have also been approved towards supporting cricket sessions and art therapy workshops.

This funding will reduce pressure on statutory services, while promoting a more self-sufficient site.

Local community impact

Further information about Wethersfield asylum accommodation can be found on the Wethersfield factsheet.

Our support provider 

The service provider, Clearsprings Ready Homes, is running the site on behalf of the Home Office and they are responsible for the safeguarding of asylum seekers. Our service provider is experienced in managing asylum seeker accommodation in and orderly and secure manner.


We understand the community may have various questions and concerns relating to these plans. We endeavour to keep you updated however, if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:  

Home Office   
Direct Communications Unit   
2 Marsham Street  
SW1P 4DF  


Telephone: 020 7035 4848




Wethersfield factsheet