Research and analysis

Options for addressing the cost of pilot training glossary (appendix E)

Published 31 May 2023

Glossary of acronyms

Air traffic movements (ATM)

Department for Transport (DfT) passenger demand and air transport movements data.

Approved training organisations (ATOs)

Organisations approved to provide flight training.

Air transport pilot licence (ATPL)

Highest level of pilot licence, required to command aircraft of over 5,700kg or with 9 or more passenger seats.

Air transport pilot licence – fixed wing (ATPL A)

Highest level of pilot licence, required to command aircraft over 5,700 kg or with 9 or more passenger seats – ATPL (A) is specific to fixed-wing aircraft.

Air transport pilot licence – helicopters (ATPL H)

Highest level of pilot licence, required to command aircraft over 5,700 kg or with 9 or more passenger seats – ATPL (H) is specific to helicopter aircraft.

Bachelor of Science (BSc)

An undergraduate academic degree.

The British Women Pilots Association (BWPA)

Membership organisation, supporting women who fly or who are learning to fly and encouraging participation in aviation by women.

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

Statutory authority that oversees and regulates all aspects of civil aviation in the United Kingdom, including the issuing of pilot licences.

CAE Aviation (CAE)

Flight training company.

Centre for Aviation (CAPA)

Aviation research and analysis agency.

Commercial pilot licence

Licence that permits holder to act as pilot in command of a small piston aircraft that holds less than 9 passengers for commercial purposes.

Commercial pilot licence – helicopters

Licence that permits holder to act as pilot in command of a helicopter that holds less than 9 passengers for commercial purposes.

Department for Transport (DfT)

United Kingdom government department responsible for transport.

European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

European Union agency responsible for civil aviation safety, including promoting standards of safety and environmental protection.

European Union (EU)

An economic and political union of 27 countries, operating a single market that allows free movement of good, services, people and capital.

First officer apprenticeship (FOA)

Apprenticeship available to train as a first officer (co-pilot).

International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Trade association of the world’s airlines, founded in 1945.

International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

United Nations agency that coordinates international air navigation, supports diplomatic interactions, researches new air transport policy and develops and champions innovation and standards.

Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (KLM)

Commercial Dutch airline.

Low cost carriers (LCC)

Low-cost airlines that minimise operations costs.

Multi-pilot license

Licence that permits holder to co-pilot an aircraft for commercial purposes.

National Health Service (NHS)

Publicly funded healthcare system in England.

Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

Payment for income tax and national insurance taken from your salary before you receive it.

Public service obligation routes (PSO routes)

Routes in which there is a requirement to provide a set specification of service.

Pilot and technician outlook (PTO)

Boeing 2022 report, looking at demand for new pilots, technicians, and flight attendants over the next 20 years.

Register of apprenticeship training providers (RoTap)

Organisations eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.

Science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)

Education and outreach supporting young people in the science, technology, engineering and maths sectors, usually with a focus on encouraging engagement from underrepresented groups.

United Kingdom (UK)

Union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Ultra low cost carriers (ULCC)

Ultra-low-cost airlines that minimise operations costs.

United States of America (USA)

A country of 50 states, located in North America.

Value-added tax (VAT)

A tax added to most products and services sold by VAT-registered businesses.

Vocational education and training (VET)

Australian qualification that focuses on skills training for a specific occupation.

Visiting friends and relatives market (VFR)

Travel that involves a visit to friends and/or relatives.

Vocational Education and Training Student Loans scheme (VSL)

Australian loan scheme that pays tuition fees for students studying an approved VET.

Women in Aviation International (WAI)

Charity that provides networking, education, mentoring and scholarship opportunities for women and men in careers in the aviation and aerospace industries.