Executive Medical Director, NHS Improvement

Dr Kathy McLean


Dr Kathy McLean was the Medical Director at the NHS Trust Development Authority, the organisation which was responsible for providing leadership and support to NHS trusts and whose responsibilities transferred to NHS Improvement on 1 April 2016, for 3 years. Prior to this she was the Clinical Transitions Director working with Sir Bruce Keogh building the NHS Commissioning Board, now NHS England. Her work has focused on improving quality by building in clinical leadership and expertise across the system, including development of clinical networks and senates, and she was also a leading member of the NHS Future Forum.

Kathy was Medical Director at East Midlands Strategic Health Authority and prior to that was Medical Director at Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where she was a physician from 1994 until 2009.

Executive Medical Director, NHS Improvement

From 1 April 2016, NHS Improvement brings together Monitor, NHS Trust Development Authority, Patient Safety, the National Reporting and Learning System, the Advancing Change Team and the Intensive Support Teams.

NHS Improvement is responsible for overseeing foundation trusts and NHS trusts, as well as independent providers that provide NHS-funded care. It offers the support these providers need to give patients consistently safe, high quality, compassionate care within local health systems that are financially sustainable.

By holding providers to account and, where necessary, intervening, NHS Improvement will help the NHS to meet its short-term challenges and secure its future.
