
2024 Windrush Day Grant Scheme: Projects funded

A short summary of the projects funded under the 2024 Windrush Day Grant Scheme.

Applies to England

Windrush Day Grant Scheme 2024 successful projects

1. African Caribbean Community Association North East CIC North East £24,975.00

We want to use football to commemorate, celebrate and educate people about the arrival and contribution of the Windrush pioneers and their generations to the development of the UK especially in football.

We are forming new local partnerships with the Sunderland-Football-Association-Club (SAFC) to constitute an under16 football team, and name it “Windrush-football-club” to commemorate the 75-anniversary of MV-Empire-Windrush’s arrival at the Port-of-Tilbury on 21 June 1948.

The team will be trained to play against other local teams and remain to play weekly matches with local teams for 10-weeks, from 8 June 2024 to 31 August 2024, and register to play in the local junior-league and remain to participate in the 2024 league and future leagues as a lasting legacy of the Windrush arrival. This will develop the football skills skills of young people and inspire a next generation of young footballers to learn new skills and encourage them to pursue their aspirations, earn good money from football to contribute to the social capital of the Local and wider society in the United Kingdom

To mark “Windrush-Day” on 22 June 2024, we will convene a gathering of footballers, football-legends and football-administrators to celebrate and educate people on the “Windrush”-Story and confer post-humous and honorary awards on legendary Black footballers who had played for England and English clubs before and after 1948, to recognise the contributions that the pre-and-post Windrush-Black-Caribbean-community have made to the development of football in Great-Britain. This gathering will foster a greater sense of pride and recognition of the contributions made by United Kingdom Caribbean communities to UK society, and amongst the wider public.

Notable persons from far and wide will be invited to speak and educate people on the Windrush story” and their contribution to the united kingdom. this ceremony will be moderated by Gary Bennet,(MBE) himself a living legend who had played for Sunderland and played with and coached other teams in the North East.

2. Black Heroes Foundation London £5,973.60

A Black Heroes Soul Food Café will be held on Saturday 22 June, for 150 Windrush Elders, to celebrate the Story of Flip Fraser: A Windrush Story. Part of the Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival. Beneficiaries will be invited from local Wandsworth community centres including Age UK Wandsworth, Balham and Tooting Sports and Social Club, Katherine Low Settlement, Hestia - Older People’s Day Service and others, including many who were involved in Windrush Costume Workshops during February and March this year.

It will be a truly interactive Windrush Day celebration using the Black Heroes Soul Food Café format with food, song, dance, exercise, quiz and open-mic. It will include an exhibition of the Windrush Costumes that have been co-created by Wandsworth Youth Centres and Windrush Elders during workshops led by the fashion designer Mary Martin London. The format will share and tell the story of Flip Fraser, first editor of the Voice Newspaper, and creator of the epic show Black Heroes in the Hall of Fame. The cast and company will participate in a Q&A, getting beneficiary response and feedback. This information will be used to inform the play’s update, for full performance at the Shaw Theatre in October 2024. This event will leave the Windrush Elders feeling involved and engaged in this important piece of storytelling about their era and contributions to society.

3. BLACK* artists on the move National £15,000.00

BLACK* artists on the move are delighted to be involved in Windrush 2024. Our work will be focused on schools in different parts of the country. We will be offering interactive Windrush-themed assemblies which will involve singing, dancing, spoken word and storytelling to immerse children in knowledge relating to the Windrush generation, individual and collective experiences and contributions.

We will draw attention to the contribution of Windrush generation artists and creatives such as Linton Kwesi Johnson, Jean Binta Breeze, Mona Baptiste, Linford Christie, Winford Branch, appreciating how every aspect of life in Britain has been enhanced and enriched by members of the Windrush generation and their descendants.

Our intention is to bring the Windrush story to primary schools in Bradford, Huddersfield, Manchester, Derby, Bristol as well as in more rural areas of Somerset, Dorset and Devon. Some special schools and secondary schools will also participate bringing the total number of school communities who will be part of our programme delivery to 28.

4. Devon Development Education South West £25,000.00

We begin with raising our Devon Windrush flag on Friday 21 June, at Devon County Hall, attended by key leaders of the county and members of our Windrush Group. This formally recognises the rich contributions of Caribbean-heritage people to Devon.

On Saturday 22 June, 5 to 9pm, we will take over Exeter Central Library, providing an evening of Windrush-related activities, a free, intergenerational event for families and people of all ages. There will be craft activities; our ‘Not Just Rice & Peas’ video discussions will highlight the impact of Caribbean cookery on UK. Books drawn from the library will stimulate discussions, whilst exhibitions will provide factual information about Windrush. And there will be music, essential to create the Caribbean atmosphere!

To try to ensure long-term learning and intergenerational interaction, we will work with a group of secondary school students to become Windrush Youth Ambassadors. They will learn the Windrush stories and be trained in story-telling skills. They will help co-ordinate events and engage in discussions with visitors. Through this work, they will learn entrepreneurial skills: marketing, social media strategies, health and safety.

In preparation for these celebrations, we will continue our on-going research into Windrush, drawing on family stories from members of Devon Windrush group.

Our final exciting event will be the Windrush Caribbean Cricket Festival, Sunday 11th August, in Exmouth, featuring children activities, both a women’s and men’s cricket match. Exmouth Cricket Team will play the guests - London West Indies United Cricket Club. Cricket is a key part of Caribbean life, so all things Windrush and Caribbean will be included – music, food, craft activities, exhibitions, and a small installation of a 1950s Front Room, as created for Windrush 75.

5. For Us and By Us North West £7,209.00

A 3 minute animated film based on interviews of members of the Windrush generation sharing their experiences of how they used to communicate with their loved ones after they arrived in the UK.

The film will be shown in primary schools during the week of Windrush day. A resource pack will be designed to accompany the film.

The film will also be screened on Windrush Day for the Windrush generation participants.

The project will educate people about the Windrush story as those that watch the film will hear about the experiences of those from the Windrush generation, specifically their stories of how and when they arrived in the UK, and how they were able to maintain contact with family members during this time.

A poem will be commissioned by a British Jamaican Poet Yrsa Daley Ward who often writes about her grandparents who were Windrush generation members. Yrsa is a published poet and author and she has made a significant contribution to the literary world.

The resource pack designed to accompany the film will cover literacy, culture and diversity, and communication skills. This will develop the educational skills of the children that complete the activities.

This film will be donated to archives for future generations to access, so it will have a lasting impact beyond the funding period. The resource pack will also be available to purchase in a PDF format after the project has concluded.

The children will write letters of communication as part of the resource pack and these letters will be used to form an exhibition at a later date. We have spoken with the Whitworth art gallery about the possibility of them hosting the exhibition.

6. Friends of Hannah More South West £6,235.00

Friends of Hannah More are really pleased to be able to plan our Windrush postcards Project! There will be workshops for children and adults at Hannah More Primary, where they will work with artists Laura Humpage and Jazz Thompson and local poet Shani Whyte, to learn about Windrush legacy, print their own images on to postcard templates, add a relevant message or poem, and send them off in the post them to friends, family, local groups and businesses. As well as designing our postcards we’re going to be creating some own ‘floorbooks’, with words, images and some specially commissioned pictures from Jazz, to create a lasting legacy which can be looked at and learned from in years to come.

We’re also running a special workshop in the community space at the school on Saturday 22 June, where community members can come and create their postcards – and enjoy a shared lunch as well.

7. Friends of Mary Seacole Housing Association East of England £5,500.00

We are very excited to bring our project, “Nurse Dessie” to the community, commemorating and celebrating the Windrush generation by introducing young children to the inspiring story of Mary Seacole, a symbol of strength and resilience. Through interactive storytelling and activities, to educate about her contributions and the values she represents. “Nurse Dessie” fosters early childhood learning and social skill development, promoting compassion, resilience, and inclusivity. The project aligns with the Ethos of the Associations founder Desline Stewart MBE who is of Jamaican descent and was a part of the Windrush group who arrived in the UK from Caribbean countries between 1948 and 1973. Desline Stewart MBE was first elected as a Luton councillor of the Leagrave ward in 1983. She became the town’s first Black female Mayor in 1985 and, since then, has been involved with many charitable organisations. Because of her generosity, Desline Stewart MBE also received Her Majesty’s MBE Award for her community work.

The preliminary work for Mary Seacole Housing Association began in the 1980s, in Councillor Desline Stewart’s kitchen, in response to the direct pleas of young people who were running away from home. Mary Seacole was chosen as the name for the trust by Councillor Stewart because she strongly advocated Seacole’s humanitarian work and altruism. We want to celebrate this altruism, whether Desline’s and Mary’s or via narrative of the Windrush generation. We appreciate that celebrating diversity is a collective effort that raises cultural awareness and appreciation for the Windrush generation’s heritage. We are excited to collaborate with local organisations such as schools, hospitals, and community events, as your participation is crucial in creating shared experiences. Together, we can extend the impact of this initiative in the community and promote the rich legacy of the Windrush generation.

8. Golden Stars Kids Club & Training CIC West Midlands £14,450.00

The Windrush 76 anniversary project for children and young people is a meaningful and educational initiative that aims to celebrate the contributions of the Windrush generation. The project will be split into three parts, providing a comprehensive and engaging experience for participants.

The first part of the project, titled “Their Story Our Song”, involves a four-week music project in three primary schools and a youth club across the West Midlands. Children will have the opportunity to learn an original song written by a descendant of the Windrush generation. This song will celebrate the achievements and impact of the Windrush arrivals, and will be professionally recorded with a music video. Additionally, children will have the chance to hear from an elder from the Windrush Generation, who will share their personal story of coming to England.

The second part of the project will focus on an educational day on the Windrush anniversary, June 22 2024. Activities will include steel pan lessons, Caribbean Cookery workshops, arts and crafts and a screening of Floella Benjamin’s film “Coming to England”. These activities will provide valuable cultural insights and hands-on-experiences for participants.

Finally, the project will culminate in an event showcasing the final outcome of the song and video recording. Children and young people involved in the project will be invited to this event, where they will have the opportunity to see the final product, enjoy performances from creatives from the Windrush generation, hear from a community speaker, and sample delicious food. The event will also feature a special performance of the new single, bringing the project to a powerful and celebratory conclusion.

9. InCommon London £5,000.00

InCommon is a charity bringing generations together to build connected, inclusive and age-friendly communities. We run intergenerational programmes in which young people (aged 5 to 15) connect with their older neighbours in retirement homes. With support from the Windrush Day Grant Scheme, we plan to design and deliver a creative, educational workshop where young people can learn about the legacy of the Windrush generation from older people in one of our programmes based in Hackney.

Through a number of consultation sessions, the content of the workshop will be co-designed with older participants who either identify as being part of the Windrush generation or who are connected with Windrush communities. The workshop will be held on National Windrush Day at George Padmore House retirement home in Hackney.

Following the workshop, we will further develop our activities, based on feedback from our older and younger participants, and carry out sessions in our other intergenerational programmes across London to share the unique stories and histories of the Windrush generation across the diverse communities we work within.

10. Innovai Events East of England, London £13,000.00

To celebrate Windrush day on 22 June 2024, we will host our unique Windrush Family Games (WFG) which is modified games and competitions with teams representing the Caribbean islands where members families migrated from. This will be an intergenerational family games that all sections of the community are invited to participate in to build community cohesion between people of different age groups and ethnic backgrounds. We are particularly excited by the Windrush Family Games RELAY, where the Windrush Generation take centre stage by being the attraction in this highly competitive banter lead, fun, unique, Windrush relay, which is not to be missed! The WFG 2023 was won by team Guyana with Gwendoline McDonald 97 years young, leading and anchoring the Guyanese team.

Windrush generation elders and all sections of the community are vying to return in June 2024 to secure top honours. We do see this potentially becoming a unique relay to be repeated worldwide, so we are super proud to lead on such an inclusive activity which really brings communities together.

There will be so much to do for all participants whom will be immersed in this national celebration with top entertainment, great party/activities, and complimentary food for the participants on this national day of Windrush celebration 2024.

11. Insight Community Project CIC East Midlands £12,082.00

Our project focuses on creating a book of photographs, personal stories, documents, success stories, recipes, song lyrics and poems that will celebrate our local Windrush generation and their descendants and educate the wider community about their contributions to Britain.

The book will foster a real sense of pride and recognition and bring together different generations. We will work with local partners, schools, and our connections in the wider community to create a legacy through our book, telling the stories of people who settled in Long Eaton through the Windrush.

We will celebrate Windrush at Long Eaton carnival with a float in the parade and a stall promoting our project. Our float will celebrate the diverse countries and cultures of the Windrush and will connect young people from our youth groups, members of LESLA and our Windrush community. This event is a great way to bring together people of different backgrounds and generations to have fun right at the centre of our community.

On the 22 June 2024 we will hold a special event to mark Windrush day and launch our book to the public. This exciting event will include live music, DJs, Caribbean food, and music workshops and will be a great opportunity for the wider community to celebrate the Windrush with us.

We will end our celebrations in August with an educational theatre event and exhibition that aims to educate the community about The Windrush and its impact on Britain. Our book will continue to be on sale after these events and sales will raise money to support the community work that LESLA and Insight Community Project carry out in and around Long Eaton, ensuring that the legacy of this project continues.

12. Jamaica Society Leeds Yorkshire and The Humber £15,660.00

The Jamaica Society Leeds and partners will celebrate Windrush Day 2024 by honouring “The Legacies of the Leeds Windrush Generation” focusing on the contributions of healthcare workers who contributed significantly to the NHS and whose activism and advocacy improved healthcare for African and Caribbean people in the UK. We will host a public conversation and exhibition event, roll out education learning sessions across schools in the city, and on Windrush Day there will be a cultural celebration at Jamaica House opened to the public to showcase these legacies. A special event will be held to celebrate the life and contribution of the last surviving Windrush passenger residing in Leeds, Alford Gardener – an important community celebration to honour Alford as a symbol of the impact that the Windrush generation have had on the city of Leeds.

13. Kainé Management Ltd East Midlands £23,502.00

Kainé would like to express their thanks to the DLUHC and Near Neighbours for the receipt of grant funding to support our Windrush programming. Better Together Windrush project for 2024, brings some exciting events and activities to the city and we look forward to achieving our objectives for the benefit of the Leicester Windrush Generation.

We will implement regular weekly sessions that include, discussions and memories, learning new skills and engaging in creative and performance arts. We will deliver presentations/workshops in schools and community settings sharing stories and resources that we have built over the years. We will engage with Windrushers from Nottingham and Derby and seek opportunities to meet and grow this network. We will also educate the wider community about the Leicester Windrush experience, through:

  • the production of a book telling the stories of senior Leicester Caribbeans
  • record 2 original songs written by participants
  • the installation of a Windrush Memorial in partnership with Leicester City Council, Graffwerks and the Leicester Windrush Consortium

Windrush activities will begin with a Leicester Windrush Launch Weekend working with Opal22 Arts, Leicester Windrush Consortium and Leicester City Council as well as other community groups. There will be an official launch event on Friday 21 June, a Caribbean Afternoon Tea on Saturday 22 of June and Thanksgiving Service at The Mayflower Methodist Church on Sunday 23 June 2024.

The 2024 Windrush Season funded by DLUHC and Near Neighbours will close with a finale event and mural launch in August 2024…but the work to honour and celebrate this special group of people goes on.

14. Lewisham Churches Care (Bring Me Sunshine) London £14,920.00

Bring Me Sunshine’s project will celebrate, commemorate, and educate about the arrival and contributions of the Windrush Generation through two fun-filled intergenerational events for 100+ people each. We will mark National Windrush Day 2024 with a launch event in Brixton alongside the Stockwell Good Neighbours group at which a diverse range of people will have the opportunity to meet, interact, create, celebrate, and learn. We will host a follow-up event in the same vein in Catford about a week later.

Through a unique combination of film, theatre, dance, music, story sharing, and celebration our project will educate, build awareness, and foster pride and recognition of the Windrush Generation’s heritage and contributions to the UK. Our inclusive project will build community cohesion among a diverse range of people by bringing together: people of Caribbean heritage from the Windrush Generation and their descendants as well as older guests of diverse backgrounds; local students and schools; artists and musicians; local organisations invited to promote their services and signpost to areas of support at the events; and 30-40 local volunteers.

We also will continue our documentation of local Windrush Generation members’ experiences, focussing on audio recordings at our events and in follow-up workshops. The recording project will be helmed by young artist, Bridie ‘O’Sullivan, who will compile guests’ voices and perspectives. These recordings will join Bridie’s previous video pieces and be offered to community groups and local schools as educational archives.

15. London Borough of Newham London £32,000.00

Newham Council “Rites of Passage” programme is a community-led initiative aimed at fostering a deeper connection amongst younger generations to their cultural heritage, specifically focusing on the invaluable contributions and legacy made by the Windrush Generation to UK society. Through engaging activities encompassing fashion, poetry, food, and film; the programme seeks to empower participants by honing their skills in these areas, to facilitate intergenerational conversations, and to both commemorate and educate a broad audience about the enduring legacy of the Windrush Generation.

The programme consists of 5 interconnected creative projects:

Music and arts workshops delivered in partnership between mixed-media artist Marilyn Fontaine and 4 selected primary schools and care homes that will help to facilitate meaningful interactions between different age groups.

Our Windrush Day Fair and Island Rhythms: A Windrush Showcase celebratory event will take place on 22 June, serving as a focal point for commemorating the enduring legacy of the Windrush Generation and their contributions to British society.

A “Film and Feast” programme organised by The New Black Film Collective, Rights and Equalities in Newham and Newham African Caribbean Resource Centre offering opportunities for social connection and education through the shared experience of Caribbean cooking and film screenings depicting the Windrush era.

Caribbean fashion brand, Sakafet London, will host a week long youth summer school offering participants the chance to explore the rich heritage and influence of Creole fashion, empowering them to express themselves creatively while learning about cultural identity.

In partnership with Ruff Squad a spoken word commission will be developed based on interviews with Newham’s Windrush residents.

And finally a Caribbean and contemporary dance intergenerational project will be undertaken, culminating in a final performance event that seamlessly fuses all aspects of Newham’s “Rites of Passage” programme.

16. Opal22 Arts and Ed East Midlands £15,000.00

Join us for a vibrant Windrush celebration of Caribbean culture at “Caribbean High Tea on the Park”! Spend a day immersed in fun, music, theatre, and poetry, all set against the beautiful backdrop of Museum Square. This free event promises a joyful day out in the park, perfect for families, friends, and culture enthusiasts looking to shake a foot, smile, and embrace the future together.

Date and time: 22 June - 12pm to 9pm

Location: Museum Square, New Walk, Leicester.

What to expect:

Food and drinks: Savour the flavours of the Caribbean with food and drinks available on site.

Live music and entertainment: Get ready to groove to Caribbean rhythms and enjoy captivating performances.

Theatre and poetry: Be moved by powerful theatrical presentations and spoken word performances.

Heritage Exhibition: Explore the profound impacts and enduring contributions of the Windrush Generation and their descendants at our exhibition and delve into some thought provoking discussions.

VIP Experience - Caribbean High Tea: For those looking to elevate their experience, guests have the option to book our exclusive Caribbean High Tea to indulge in a sumptuous selection of teas, delicacies, and more, all with a Caribbean twist.


Free entry to the Park Event
Optional VIP High Tea Experience
Family-friendly entertainment
Caribbean cuisine

Come down to Museum Square on 22 June 2024 for an unforgettable day of celebration, culture, and community. Whether you’re looking to enjoy the free festivities or treat yourself to our VIP High Tea, there’s something for everyone at “Caribbean High Tea on the Park”. Embrace the future with us!

17. Oxford City Council South East £18,600.00

Our project will celebrate the contribution of the Windrush generation in Oxford through a free-to-all public engagement programme, and will educate young people about the Windrush generation’s experiences of settling in the UK, through the development of artistic and digital curation skills. Our public programme will include a lecture, panel event, family day of activity, craft and music in a shopping centre, and an event at the local community Church. We will digitise and transcribe recordings of community Elders, using them to upskill young people in digital curation and to inspire creative work with Black-led arts organisations commissioned to work with our local young people, a public digital archive and a resource for schools.

18. Oxygen Arts CIC National £35,515.00

Island Movements is a 30 minute ballet show telling the story of a Caribbean family whose parents came over on the Windrush. It explores the impact of this generation’s experiences on their families, communities and society. Beginning with a young Caribbean soldier in WW2 Britain, this moving tale follows him and his family through their life in the UK up to the current day.

Featuring original music by the groundbreaking youth music charity Kinetika Bloco, the story is driven by a pulsating mix of reggae, calypso and contemporary black British music. The show was devised by Darren Panton, who was the first black British dancer to graduate from the Royal Ballet School and Patrick Williams, who danced at Alvin Ailey and the Paris Opera. Greta Mendez MBE will be choreographing.

The show is coupled with a separate workshop for young children based on our children’s book, Onisere and the Ballet Queen. We will tour libraries in England and NI in June, launching with a show at Northern Ballet on 8 June and culminating with two performances on Windrush Day at the Birmingham Hippodrome.

We are targeting communities that do not normally get the chance to experience ballet and are largely unaware of the history of black dancers in British ballet. This family show is suited to all those aged 7+ and is offered with a post show Q&A to further explore the issues raised about the Windrush generation and black British ballet with audiences.

19. Recreate Dorset South West £18,375.00

Our project will celebrate the Windrush generation and their descendants, in collaboration with our diverse communities in Boscombe, Bournemouth. For 10 days in June 2024, we will transform our high street and exhibition space, commissioning work from African-Caribbean artists to create informative and engaging public artworks, produced together with our local community. This will include a temporary outdoor ‘art pavilion’ which will become an active space for community workshops, talks and events; a public artwork of bright and colourful flags, displayed along the entire length of the precinct; and an exhibition in our community space, Boscombe Arts Depot with work created from a programme of workshops delivered in local schools and stories gathered from descendants of the Windrush generation.

We will work with African-Caribbean artists who have a personal understanding and knowledge of the importance of the Windrush generation and their descendants in UK society. Working with artists that have these histories and connections will enable workshops in the schools and in our ‘art pavilion to be mindful, considered, educational and skills-focused to engage and inform all ages about the Windrush story. The work produced with the schools, will be incorporated in the design work produced for the art pavilion, the flags and in the exhibition. On National Windrush Day we will organise special activities to run alongside our exhibition and art pavilion, including Caribbean music and food, workshops and events. All workshops and events will be free to attend.

Together, the Windrush generation gathered stories, the commissioned artists’ reflections and the stories of migration will celebrate the diverse creativity within Boscombe. Highlighting the shared and different histories from Caribbean, Mexican, Ukrainian, Syrian, Afghanistan, Turkish, Polish, Spanish and many more communities that live and work within Boscombe and the surrounding areas.

20. Royal Pavilion and Brighton Museums South East £17,700.00

Working alongside a community curator/archival artist, Brighton and Hove Museums will gather local stories to produce a digital collection on Windrush. These will be used to curate a digital exhibition and to provide a much-needed resource for schools, researchers etc.

There are a number of local community groups that have already collected Windrush-era stories, and this project provides an opportunity to host them in one place.

In addition, we will be approaching local groups and communities and inviting them to contribute their stories to the archive. How these stories are captured and the form they take is fluid – we want it to be community-led, which means being willing to adapt to their needs and desires.

On Windrush Day itself, we will host a community day at Preston Manor and Gardens. This will be an opportunity for local people to come along to see some of the stories already collected, and to contribute their own. On this day of music, story-telling, history and dancing, visitors will be invited to share their memories, photos or memorabilia of their experiences. Usual Preston Manor activity will not be going ahead on these days; in addition to scanning and photographing items, we will also use the beautiful rooms of Preston Manor to capture oral histories – or songs, snippets of reminiscences or however Windrush-era visitors and their descendants would like to contribute. These will enhance the digital collection.

21. St. Kitts and Nevis Association Luton East of England £17,000.00

Thanks to Windrush Funding generations of Caribbean UK families are busy here at Luton Carnival Arts making some of the costumes for the St kitts, Nevis and Friends Association “Strictly Come Caribbean” a celebration of music and dancing bringing together and celebrating the best of our Culture from both the Caribbean and Uk. Our proposed events will be community inspired/led as our “Strictly Caribbean Event(s)” which started in Luton on a very small scale in 2021, celebrates the Annual anniversary of Windrush and will have a particular emphasis on the bringing our local communities together in an evening of fun, entertainment while at the same time providing an educational event to share not just the arts of the Caribbean but provide a space where Caribbean communities share their 75+ years of experiences about the Windrush generation and their families.

This year - with the support of grant, we would like to expand our “Strictly Come Caribbean” (designed to be similar to the BBC series “Strictly Come Dancing” where participants will perform a number of specialized dance routines in front an audience and panel of Judges) to involve communities from neighbouring areas i.e. Central Bedfordshire/Bedford where communities will invited to be participate in the dance competition and also short workshop(s) on Caribbean dance routines / costumes.

St Kitts, Nevis and Luton Friends/families CIC strongly believe that this event will benefit the community and in particular will serve to strengthening social cohesion in /between groups in the general area as it will bring various groups and people of differing backgrounds coming together, providing positive activities for young people and adults which helps with reducing anti-social behaviour, all based on our shared Caribbean /Windrush heritage- blended with our growing UK heritage.

22. State of Trust South West £15,813.00

Taunton, Somerset is about to be swept up in a whirlwind of vibrant culture and celebration as State of Trust proudly presents Windrush 2024! We invite our local community to immerse themselves in a kaleidoscope of Caribbean rhythms, flavours, and stories throughout June.

It all kicks off at the central library with a Children’s Caribbean Storytelling Day. Children can experience enchanting tales that have woven the rich tapestry of Caribbean heritage. Plus, a captivating book display featuring stories both from the Caribbean and inspired by the legendary journey of Windrush.

Food enthusiasts can join our participatory workshop and unleash their inner chef as we explore the tantalising flavours of Caribbean cuisine. From jerk chicken to dumplings local people and learn the secrets of authentic recipes guaranteed to spice up their kitchen. They can then savour the fruits of their labour by sharing the food in a social feast at the end of the day.

Our workshop programme continues with our Caribbean dance workshop event where people are invited to learn the dances and feel the rhythms, and infectious beats of Calypso and other Caribbean dance styles as they immerse themselves in the vibrant spirit of the islands.

Our children’s programme brings the story of Windrush into local schools with our children’s dance and history workshops. Through dance, geography and history we’ll ignite young minds and celebrate the legacy of courage and resilience.

The culmination of our programme is our Windrush Celebration event at our local arts centre with a night of live music, irresistible rhythms, and an authentic delicious Caribbean buffet. We invite audiences to listen, dance and feast, celebrating Windrush in style!

Our Windrush 2024 programme offers an exciting journey into Caribbean culture and heritage celebrating the contribution of the Windrush generation to the arts and culture of the UK.

23. Sudden Productions West Midlands £15,000.00

We are delighted to receive funding to kickstart our project here at Sudden Productions and celebrate Windrush Day 2024. The hugely diverse range of projects supported by this scheme underpin this national celebration - and ensure the preservation of our heritage and the enduring significance of this historic event.

“My Grandparents, My Parents and I” brings together Birmingham young people and their elders - Windrush Generation and their descendants to share their true-life experiences through a stage production, a podcast series and participatory drama workshops. Professional Black Caribbean Artists (upcoming and experienced) support them to bring their stories to life and share them in secondary schools and youth centres in Birmingham through a tour ending on Windrush Day 2024.

We will launch our podcast on Windrush Day 2024 and welcome the community during a public performance at the Midlands Arts Centre.

24. The Brixton Project London £20,000.00

As the spiritual home of the Windrush generation - Windrush Square will host a creative and intergenerational programme of talent, performance and conversation in commemoration of The Windrush Generation that honours the past present and future. The event will take place on Windrush Day 22 June, Windrush Square in central Brixton.

For many residents of Lambeth, the journey of the Windrush generations symbolise an enduring narrative of identity and community, that must be honoured and shared as a beacon of inspiration, guiding and empowering our young people to embrace the exceptional qualities of their heritage as they move forward into the future.

Under the banner of “Passing The Baton”, the programme on Windrush Square will pay homage to the knowledge, wisdom and spirit the Windrush elders to inspire the aspirations of our young people.

At the heart of this commemoration stands the emblematic Windrush boat designed by Bureau of Silly Ideas. Originally conceived for Lambeth’s 75th Anniversary Procession, the boat will serve as a backdrop to intergenerational conversation and performance throughout the day, bringing Windrush Square alive with the stories of Windrush and the talents of our young people.

The programme will run throughout the afternoon in front of the Black Cultural Archive with space for families and community groups to to come together picnic and enjoy an engaging afternoon in the place designated to commemorating Windrush.

25. The Play House (BHAM) West Midlands £11,997.00

Written and performed by Jamaican born actress and poet Grace Bennett, The Journey of a Windrush Heroine is an interactive storytelling workshop-performance which takes the audience on an adventurous journey from Jamaica, to the UK. Told through song, storytelling and dance, the audience will actively participate in the story, with each event becoming community-led and unique as our audiences influence and shape each show. Through research and development workshops with children and adult audiences, The Play House will co-design the content of the show, ensuring that we create an uplifting and exciting story whilst simultaneously developing current understanding and knowledge about the contributions and positive impacts that Windrush generations have and continue to bring to UK life. We are investing in young people and their multi-generational family members, to create change across communities and support future societal relationships which will be equitable and part of an anti-racist society.

We will deliver 20 intergenerational workshop-performance events in 8 schools and 2 libraries, including 2 shows on 22 June. Alongside the performance-workshops, we will deliver 8 CPD sessions with teachers to create a legacy, benefitting hundreds more children for years to come. This show will then have a life-span beyond this funding, allowing future children to benefit from the creation and development of this work.

26. Voyage London £38,658.00

Voyage will collaborate with local organisations, such as Hackney Caribbean Elders Organisation and Hackney Lunch Clubs Network to bring young people and community elders together to produce an intergenerational project leading to a book and exhibition. The project is designed to uncover the histories and experiences of Windrush generation communities and is guided by community development, training and archive collection principles. The project will capture stories, photo, film and ephemera of Hackney’s first generation of Caribbean settlers, linking their individual stories of “arrival, dispersal and settling” to modern day Hackney whilst making these available to the wider community through an exhibition at the Museum of the Home.

Our aim is to educate people about the Windrush story, seeking to build awareness of historical facts and deepen understanding about the Windrush generation and their descendants. This includes the pioneers who arrived on the MV Empire Windrush in 1948, and those who came on vessels and planes in the decades afterwards. We also aim to foster a greater sense of pride and recognition of the contributions made by Caribbean communities to UK society, and amongst the wider public. The Windrush generation and their descendants have contributed a great deal to society over more than seven decades. We also wish to develop the educational and entrepreneurial skills of young people. We hope to inspire a next generation of young leaders to learn new skills and encourage them to pursue their aspirations and contribute to the social capital of society in the United Kingdom.

Organisationally, we see this as an opportunity to build our credentials in the heritage sector to start a longer-term youth development programme linking black history with more contemporary issues.

27. Whispered Tales North West £15,525.00

Four Windrush descendants who are all high profile and successful UK reggae icons will feature in a ten minute film that highlights how their musical style was influenced by the Windrush generation. The film will be displayed on digital screens housed within a vintage sound system. The multimedia exhibition will tour to Africa Oyé music festival on Windrush Day, and three libraries in Liverpool. Levi Tafari will then tour the exhibition into 5 schools in Liverpool with a dub poetry workshop. This project will recognise and celebrates the Windrush generations profound effect on the British music scene.

Published 9 April 2024