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Royal Courts of Justice daily cause list 23 September 2024

Updated 20 September 2024

Applies to England and Wales

These lists are subject to change until 4:30pm. Any alterations after this time will be telephoned or emailed direct to the parties or their legal representatives.

1. Administrative Court daily cause list

Daily hearings in the Administrative Court sitting at London, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Manchester and Leeds.

1.1 For all Administrative Courts:

Hearings take place in public unless otherwise indicated. When considering the use of telephone and video technology the judiciary will have regard to the principles of open justice.. The court may exclude observers where necessary to secure the proper administration of justice.

1.2 Judgments

Judgments handed down by the judge remotely will be released by circulation to the parties’ representatives by email and release to the National Archives. The date and time for hand-down will be deemed to be not before time listed. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down can be made available after that time, on request by email.

1.3 London Administrative Court cause list

List for 23 September 2024 updated 20 September 2024 at 2:42pm

No courts Sitting

1.4 Planning Court

List for 23 September 2024 updated 20 September 2024 at 2:42pm

No Courts Sitting

1.5 Birmingham Administrative Court cause list

List for 23 September 2024 updated 20 September 2024 at 2:42pm

1.6 Bristol and Cardiff Administrative Court cause list


List for 23 September 2024 updated 20 September 2024 at 2:42pm

No sittings Dim eisteddiadau


List for 23 September 2024 updated 20 September 2024 at 2:42pm

No sittings

1.7 Manchester Administrative Court cause list

A hearing before the Administrative Court in Manchester is a public hearing unless otherwise specified. If any person or representative of the media wishes to attend a remote hearing they should contact the listing office in good time before the scheduled hearing, either by emailing or by calling 0161 240 5313.

List for 23 September 2024 updated 20 September 2024 at 2:42pm

No sittings

1.8 Leeds Administrative Court cause list

A hearing before the Administrative Court in Leeds is a public hearing unless otherwise specified. If any person or representative of the media wishes to attend a remote hearing they should contact the listing office in good time before the scheduled hearing at

If you have any other listing enquiries please contact the Administrative Court at Leeds by telephone on 0113 306 2578 or alternatively on the email address above.

List for 23 September 2024 updated 20 September 2024 at 2:42pm

Judge Time Venue Case details Type of hearing Additional information
BEFORE HIS HONOUR JUDGE DAVIS-WHITE KC SITTING AS A JUDGE OF THE HIGH COURT 2.00pm Remote AC-2024-LDS-000188 Social Work England v Doherty Substantive Hearing MS Teams

2. County Court at Central London hearing list for cases listed at the Royal Courts of Justice

The Central London County Court cause list is now published on a separate GOV.UK page.

3. Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) daily cause list

Please note that advocates, whether appearing remotely or in person, are required to be robed for all hearings as from 1 October 2020

If you are an interested party or the media and wish to attend any of the Criminal Appeal Courts, please contact

List for 23 September 2024 updated on 20 September 2024 at 2:16pm

No courts sitting.

4. Court of Appeal (Civil Division) daily cause list

4.1 Live Streaming of hearings at the Royal Courts of Justice

Most cases in the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) are now live streamed. More information about hearings to be live streamed can be found at the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) Live Stream site.

To view a live stream click on the case title in Court of Appeal (Civil Division) Live Stream site. There is no requirement to ask for permission from the Court.

4.2 Handing down of judgments

Most reserved judgments are handed down remotely, by circulation to the parties or their representatives by email and publication on the National Archives Site but sometimes they will be handed down in Court. In either case, advance notice will be published in the cause list.

4.3 Listed Cases

List for 23 September updated 20 September at 3:30pm

None listed

4.4 Notice for future judgments

None listed

5. Family Division

Any application made after 1 March 2022 will be listed as an in person hearing unless an application for it to be heard remotely has been made prior to the hearing and granted by a judge. All other hearings will be listed in accordance with the direction of the judge at the previous hearing.

Accredited members of the press, legal bloggers or members of the public who wish to attend remote hearing should email their request to will forward your email details to the Associates Team. Please can requests be emailed the day before the hearing or, if possible, no later than 9.30 am on the day of the hearing.

The present arrangements will be kept under review

5.1 Court of Protection (Royal Courts of Justice)

Any application made after 1 March 2022 will be listed as an in person hearing unless an application for it to be heard remotely has been made prior to the hearing and granted by a judge. All other hearings will be listed in accordance with the direction of the judge at the previous hearing.

Accredited members of the press, legal bloggers or members of the public who wish to attend remote hearing should email their request to who will forward your email details to the Associates Team. Please can requests be emailed the day before the hearing or, if possible, no later than 9.30 am on the day of the hearing.

The present arrangements will be kept under review.

5.2 Tipstaff

If your matter requires the services of the Tipstaff, please telephone 020 7947 6200 to discuss your requirements prior to attending / entering court. Your matter will not be heard until you have spoken to the Tipstaff.

  1. Unlisted applications may only be made to the Applications Court if they are urgent, and the urgency arises from some very recent development or circumstance. An application must not be made to the Applications Court simply because it is not on notice to the other party or parties, unless it is urgent as defined above. All other applications, whether on notice or not, must first be issued, with a proper time estimate, and listed on a date given by the Clerk of the Rules.
  2. Except in circumstances of extreme urgency, applications must be made at 10.30am and not at any later time.
  3. No application may be made to the High Court Applications Court which is capable of being made to a lower tier of judge.

5.3 Judgments

The Judgment will be handed down by the judge in Court X at 1030 am on Y day of Z 2022. The attendance of the parties and their legal representatives is excused unless the judge has directed to the contrary. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down will be automatically sent to the advocates and any litigants in person shortly thereafter

List for 23rd September 2024 updated on 20th September 2024 at 16:23pm

Judge Time Venue   Case Number Case Name Additional information
Mr Justice Williams 10:30am MS Teams Hearing Applications in Court as in Chambers FD24P00376    
Mr Justice Williams 2pm MS Teams Hearing Applications in Court as in Chambers FD24P00441    
Mr Justice Poole 10:30am Court 33 Urgent High Court Applications in Court as in Chambers FD19P00673   Please refer to Tipstaff Notice
Mr Justice Peel 10:30am Court 42 Applications in Court as in Chambers 1702-4881-5270-5527 Whitmore v Whitmore  
Mr Justice Peel 10:30am Court 42 Applications in Court as in Chambers ZZ20D64316    
Her Honour Barlow (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 10am MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40929    
Her Honour Barlow (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 11am MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40915    
His Honour Judge Moradifar (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 10:30am Court 43 Applications in Court as in Chambers RG24P00297    
His Honour Judge Wallwork (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 10am MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40849    
His Honour Judge Wallwork (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 11am MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40449    
His Honour Judge Wallwork (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 12noon MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40926    
His Honour Wildblood KC (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 10am MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40633    
His Honour Wildblood KC (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 11am MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40914    
His Honour Wildblood KC (sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge) 12noon MS Teams Hearing National DOLS List in Chambers FD24C40940    

6. King’s Bench Judges Daily Cause List

List for 23 September 2024. Updated 20 September 2024 at 2:10pm

Judge Time Hearing Case details Type of hearing Additional information
Mr Justice Choudhury 10:00am MS Teams or Court 37 Applications without Notice Application notice For details on accessing the hearing, please email
Mr Justice Choudhury 2pm MS Teams or Court 37 Applications without Notice Application notice For details on accessing the hearing, please email
Mr Justice Saini Not before 12pm Court 12 KA-2024-000122 Saadati v Dastghaib & others Application notice Unrobed

7. King’s Bench Masters Daily Cause List

Daily hearings before the King’s Bench Masters.

7.1 Press and Public Access

Any media representative (or any other member of the public) wishing to attend a remote hearing should provide an email address and contact number to be sent an appropriate link for access. Please contact the assigned Masters’ clerk putting the hearing date and time in the subject box. The clerk’s details can be found in Annex 2 of the King’s Bench Division Guide (linked below) or by calling the court on 020 3936 8957, choosing option 4 and then the option for the relevant Master.

In person hearings before the Masters are open to the press and public, but the rooms are located in secure areas of the building. If you wish to attend an in person hearing, please arrive in the Bear Garden in good time before a hearing and make yourself know to the usher.

7.2 Judgments

Judgments handed down by the Master remotely will be released by circulation to the parties’ representatives by email and released to The National Archives. The date and time for hand-down will be deemed to be not before time listed. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down can be made available after that time, on request by email.

7.3 Bundles

In-person hearings – bundles must be provided in hard-copy at least 3 days before the hearing. These may be brought to the Bear Garden for delivery.

Remote hearings – these should be provided electronically to the Master and/or their clerk at least 3 days before the hearing. Please refer to the masters’ remote directions within the hearing notice for specific instructions.

7.4 In-Person hearings

All hearings stated as being in a room or court room will have no video link unless otherwise stated. The masters’ chambers are limited in space for attendees. If there are more than 6 attendees expected, please contact the masters’ clerk as soon as possible to advise if a suitable alternative can be found.

King’s Bench Guide

Current trial windows

List for 23 September 2024. Updated 20 September 2024 2:13pm

Judge Time Room Case details Type of hearing Additional information
Master Sullivan 11:15am MS Teams KB-2024-002766 Memon v Little Park Surgery Urgent and short application  
Master Davison 2:00pm MS Teams QB-2022-001883 Johnson v Task Construction Ltd and others Urgent and short application  
Master Davison 3:00pm Court TBC QB-2019-002716 ABG and another v ZZB and another Urgent and short application Unrobed
Master Cook, Senior Master and King’s Remembrancer 10:30am   Official court business    
Master Cook, Senior Master and King’s Remembrancer 2pm   Official court business    
Master Eastman 10:30am   Not sitting    
Master Eastman 2pm   Not sitting    
Master Davison 10:30am   Official court business    
Master Davison 2pm   Applications    
Master Thornett 10:30am   Not sitting    
Master Thornett 2pm   Not sitting    
Master Gidden 10:30am   Not sitting    
Master Gidden 2pm   Not sitting    
Master Sullivan 10:30am   Applications    
Master Sullivan 2pm   Official court business    
Master Dagnall 10:30am   Not sitting    
Master Dagnall 2pm   Not sitting    
Master Stevens 10:30am   Not sitting    
Master Stevens 2pm   Not sitting    
Master Armstrong 10:30am   Official court business    
Master Armstrong 2pm   Official court business    
Master Brown 10:00am MS Teams KB-2022-004591 GWS and others v St Thomas Becket Catholic Primary School Review hearing  
Master Brown 11:00am MS Teams KB-2023-002467 Simpson v The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust Costs CMC  
Master Brown 2pm   Official court business    
Deputy Master Grimshaw 10:30am   Official court business    
Deputy Master Grimshaw 2pm E107 QB-2018-006775 XY v An NHS Trust Application hearing  
Master Fontaine 10:30am E109 KB-2023-000990 Ray v Bassi and others Costs Management  
Master Fontaine 12:pm MS Teams QB-2020-002397 JXA v Cardiff Council Approval hearing  
Master Fontaine 2pm   Official court business    

8. Senior Courts Costs Office Daily Cause List

Hearings in the Senior Courts Costs Office will be held in person unless the notice of hearing has directed otherwise. Any media representative or member of the public wishing to attend a remote hearing should provide an email address to be sent an appropriate link for access. Please contact putting the hearing date and time in the subject box.

List for 23rd September 2024. Updated 20th September 2024 1:15pm

Court Judge Time Case Name Case Number Type of hearing Additional information
100 Costs Judge Rowley 10:30am The Imaging Centre v Morr & Co LLP SC-2023-BTP-001107   Handing down
95 Costs Judge James 10:30am Twigg V Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust SC-2024-BTP-000500 In person  
96 Costs Judge Brown 2pm LAB (a protected party by his mother and litigation friend CXB) V Northern Lincolnshire & Gool Case SC-2024-BTP-000349 Via MS Teams  
97 Costs Judge Nagalingam 10:30am Nourani v Shafi Solicitors LLP SC-2024-APP-000521 Via MS Teams  
99 Deputy Costs Judge Keens 10:30am Goodwin v Qinetiq pplc SC-2024-BTP-000431 In person