Replace an expired BRP

What you need to do when your biometric residence permit (BRP) expires depends on why it’s expiring.

If your permission to stay in the UK (for example, your visa) is expiring

You must apply to extend your stay or get a new type of permission. For example, you can extend your visa or apply for a new visa.

If your application is successful, you’ll get a new BRP or you’ll prove your immigration status online instead.

If your permission to stay in the UK lasts longer than your BRP

You do not need to apply for a replacement BRP.

You’ll switch to using an ‘eVisa’ instead by 31 December 2024.

An eVisa is an online record of your immigration status. You will no longer need a BRP.

The Home Office will email you about how to get access to your eVisa. 

If you’ve not been contacted by the Home Office, you do not need to do anything yet. You’ll be able to set up access to your eVisa later in 2024. 

You can keep using your BRP until it expires. 

If your BRP expires before you get access to your eVisa

There are other ways to prove your immigration status while you wait for an eVisa.

If you have a biometric residence card instead of a BRP

BRPs are different from biometric residence cards (BRCs).

BRCs are also called ‘UK residence cards’. You might have a BRC and not a BRP if both of the following apply:

  • you’re in the UK as a family member of someone from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein
  • you do not have a visa

BRCs have ‘residence card’ printed on them. Find out about replacing an expired BRC.