Mid term evaluation: Africa Regional Empowerment and Accountability Programme (AREAP)
AREAP is a 4 year project that aims to improve access to high quality relevant data, evidence and analysis for African citizens, non-state actors and policy makers.
This evaluation of AREAP has the following 2 objectives:
“Accountability: The evaluation will seek to establish the extent to which the programme has been effective, i.e. producing the results anticipated, and efficient, i.e. the least costly resources possible have been used to produce these results
Learning: The evaluation will identify programme and non-programme related explanations for success and failure that could be “translated” into more effective, efficient and sustainable programme interventions”
While DFID funds AREAP, individual implementing partners receive funding from a variety of other key donors, and therefore this evaluation is of interest to several stakeholders, including USAID and SIDA.