News story

Transport Secretary and Mayor set out vision for rail travel across London and the south east

DfT and TfL set out a commitment to improve capacity and service levels across the region’s rail network.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
A new approach to rail passenger services in London and the south east
  • Department for Transport (DfT) and Transport for London (TfL) to work together to create a more joined-up London rail network with more frequent services and increased capacity
  • move towards better customer service — joined up travel information, more integrated fares and a more accessible network
  • greater local input into train services by the south east’s towns and cities

Proposals for a new era of rail travel for London and the south east were launched today (21 January 2016) by the Secretary of State for Transport and the Mayor of London offering a future with better, more regular and more reliable train services.

The new agreement will look at ways to give millions of rail passengers a better experience by examining the potential for a wide range of improvements, including:

  • introducing more frequent services, more reliable trains, better interchanges and increased capacity
  • the creation of a London Suburban Metro service with the potential for more than 80% of stations to have a train every 15 minutes, up from 67% today, as well as the potential for more regular services via Clapham Junction, south east London and Kent
  • developing new rail lines to connect poorly serviced areas and to support new homes and jobs
  • creating a better travel environment, and improvements to accessibility and staffing
  • delivering a seamless and integrated service with joined up travel information

A new prospectus published today by DfT and TfL sets out a commitment to improving capacity and service levels across the region’s rail network, ensuring that it is able to support the capital’s growing population and help drive the economy.

With the capital’s population set to rise from 8.6 million today to 10 million by 2030, and significant population growth in the surrounding region, it is essential that the rail network continues to support housing and jobs. Frequent and reliable rail services are vital to create better connections and unlock new areas for development as well as enhancing peoples quality of life and ensuring the region’s towns remain attractive places to visit and do business.

A new partnership will allow local authorities, local enterprise partnerships and other local and regional bodies, inside and outside London, to have a direct say in the way services are planned and specified.

The new arrangements will ensure that decisions affecting transport infrastructure support local and regional economic growth and that they are increasingly placed in the hands of those who know the needs of the region best. Local authorities inside and outside London will have a direct say in the way services are planned and operated, with even greater collaboration between TfL and the DfT to get the best from the great legacy of Victorian rail infrastructure which the region enjoys.

The proposals — on which views are being sought — would see the transfer of rail services that operate mostly or wholly within the Greater London boundary to TfL when the current franchises are due for renewal. This could include inner suburban rail services from London Bridge, Cannon Street, Charing Cross, Moorgate, Victoria and Waterloo. The transfer of inner suburban rail services to TfL, which is accountable to the Mayor, will be introduced whilst ensuring service improvements for all and no detrimental effect on fares or longer distance services.

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said:

We are committed to making journeys better across London and the south east, and this new partnership represents a huge opportunity to transform travel by putting passengers where they should be – at the heart of the rail network.

We are working closely with TfL to agree the best way of delivering integrated, seamless journeys for passengers both inside and outside of London, and as we continue these discussions, we want to hear people’s views.

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson MP, said:

Our railways have been the workhorse of the London and south east economy since Victorian times. They’re key in the day-to-day lives of millions of people and vital to our future prosperity, and that’s exactly why this new partnership is such a seminal moment. By working closely together and taking on these new services, we’re going to emulate the success of the London Overground and give the entire capital and surrounding areas the services they truly deserve.

Mike Brown MVO, London’s Transport Commissioner, said:

People want to live close to stations and they want those stations to have good quality frequent services connecting them to jobs and to leisure. Providing such services is vital to the future success of our city, yet at present there are wide variations in the levels of service customers’ experience.

Through this new partnership we will work with the DfT to radically improve the service that rail customers’ experience — integrating fares and information and bringing inner suburban rail services into public transport network. This will bring us closer to delivering what customers want and London’s economy needs — a reliable metro-style rail service that supports new homes and jobs and improves the quality of life for millions of people.

The development of London Overground has shown what can be achieved by giving greater focus to suburban services, with customers benefitting from staff at stations at all times while services are running, improved safety and a ‘turn up and go’ service for customers with reduced mobility.

Views are now being sought on the proposals set out in a new approach to rail passenger services in London and the south east. TfL, the government, local authorities and the rail industry will then work together to take forward the proposals and increase capacity in London and the south east, helping to meet rapidly rising passenger demand, creating better connections and unlocking new homes and jobs.

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Published 21 January 2016