
Proven reoffending statistics

Proven reoffending quarterly statistics

This report provides key statistics on proven reoffending in England and Wales. It gives proven reoffending figures for offenders who were released from custody, received a non-custodial conviction at court, or received a caution or reprimand.

Related link

Payment by result statistics for Community Rehabilitation Companies and the National Probation Service


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Published 25 July 2013
Last updated 25 July 2024 + show all updates
  1. Publication of July to September 2022 proven reoffending cohort.

  2. Publication of April to June 2022 proven reoffending cohort.

  3. Publication of January to March 2022 proven reoffending cohort.

  4. Publication of October to December 2021 proven reoffending cohort.

  5. Publication of July to September 2021 proven reoffending cohort.

  6. Publication of April to June 2021 proven reoffending cohort.

  7. Publication of January to March 2021 proven reoffending cohort.

  8. Publication of October to December 2020 proven reoffending cohort.

  9. Publication of July to September 2020 proven reoffending cohort.

  10. Publication of April to June 2020 proven reoffending cohort.

  11. Publication of January to March 2020 proven reoffending cohort.

  12. Publication of October to December 2019 proven reoffending cohort.

  13. Publication of July to September 2019 proven reoffending cohort.

  14. Updated details on coverage period

  15. Publication of January to March 2019 proven reoffending cohort.

  16. Update on cancellation of next release

  17. Publication of October to December 2018 proven reoffending cohort.

  18. Adding a note explaining cancellation of latest publication

  19. Publication of January to March 2018 proven reoffending cohort.

  20. Serious further offences statistics publication

  21. Publication of July to September 2017 proven reoffending cohort.

  22. Publication of April to June 2017 proven reoffending cohort.

  23. Proven reoffending statistics: January 2017 to March 2017

  24. Proven reoffending statistics: October 2016 to December 2016

  25. Proven reoffending statistics: July 2016 to September 2016

  26. Proven reoffending statistics: October 2015 to December 2015

  27. Proven reoffending statistics quarterly: October 2014 to September 2015 added.

  28. Statistics from April 2014 to March 2015 added.

  29. Latest statistics published.

  30. Latest quarterly bulletin and tables published.

  31. Stats from Jan to Dec 2013 added.

  32. Proven reoffending statistics: Oct 2012 to Sept 2013

  33. Proven reoffending statistics: July 2012 to June 2013 published.

  34. New statistics added

  35. Proven reoffending statistics for January 2012 to December 2012 published.

  36. Proven re-offending statistics bulletin for October 2011 to September 2012 published.

  37. Further data added

  38. First published.