Foreign travel advice


Warning FCDO advises against all travel to parts of Burundi.

Regional risks

This section has safety advice for regions of Burundi. It only covers regions where FCDO has specific advice.

You should also read FCDO’s overall travel advice and safety and security advice.

Burundi-DRC border

There have been armed incursions from eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) into neighbouring border areas of Burundi.

In December 2023, rebel militia group Red-Tabara attacked the town of Vugizo, near the DRC border (and 20km from Bujumbura). Local reports suggest up to 20 people died, including one police officer.

In September 2023, in Gihanga commune, Bubanza province, Red-Tabara rebels killed 2 individuals on the RN5 road and reportedly damaged a guidance antenna for Melchior Ndadaye International Airport in Bujumbura.

Contact your destination before you set off and make sure you allow enough time to complete your journey during daylight hours.

Cibitoke and Bubanza provinces

FCDO advises against all travel to Cibitoke and Bubanza provinces, due to the presence of a rebel group in the Kibira National Park and possible armed incursions from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Kayanza Province

FCDO advises against all travel on the main road running west from Kayanza through the Kibira National Park towards Cibitoke Province, due the presence of a rebel group and possible armed incursions from DRC.

Melchior Ndadaye International Airport to Cibitoke

FCDO advises against all travel on the RN5 road north of Melchior Ndadaye International Airport in Bujumbura towards Cibitoke.

Bujumbura Rural Province

FCDO advises against all travel to areas of Bujumbura Rural Province west of the Rusizi river towards the border with DRC, except for the Rusizi National Park. This is due to possible armed incursions from DRC.

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the area of Bujumbura Rural above the Isale road.

Rusizi National Park

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the Rusizi National Park.

Former Central Market and bus station located on Chaussee Prince Louis Rwagasore in Bujumbura

Exercise increased caution around the former market and bus station area located on Chaussee Prince Louis Rwagasore in Bujumbura due to the risk of violent crime. On 10 May, a grenade attack took place targeting the bus stop. Consider whether travel in this area of Bujumbura is necessary, avoid all large gatherings and stay alert at all times.

Burundi-Rwanda border crossings

Burundi closed its land borders with Rwanda on 11 January 2024 because of escalating tensions.

There have previously been armed attacks in the border region with Rwanda. If you’re travelling near the border with Rwanda, check local media for the latest developments and stay up to date with this travel advice page.