Policy paper

Public Switched Telephone Network charter

Updated 2 August 2024

We, as Communications Providers (CPs), commit to the following:

1. We will not undertake any non-voluntary migrations to digital landlines, until we have full confidence that we are taking all possible steps to protect vulnerable people through the migration process.

2. No telecare users will be migrated to digital landline services without us, the customer, or the telecare company confirming that they have a compatible and functioning telecare solution in place.

3. Where battery back-up solutions are provided, we will work to provide solutions that go beyond the Ofcom minimum of 1 hour of continued, uninterrupted access to emergency services in the event of a power outage.

4. We will collectively work with Ofcom and government to create a shared definition of ‘vulnerable’ customer groups that require greater support, specific to the digital landline migration.

5. We will conduct additional checks on customers who have already been non-voluntarily migrated to ensure they do not have telecare devices we were unaware of, and if they do, ensure suitable support is provided.

Technical notes

1. By non-voluntary migrations to digital landlines, we mean migrations where:

a. any action needs to be taken by the consumer in order for all telecare devices to continue functioning in full, and
b. the consumer has not engaged in the process of transition, and
c. the consumer has used the landline in the last 12 months

2. Communications Providers can progress non-voluntary migrations following a re-assessment of their processes to ensure all possible protections are in place to protect vulnerable consumers, and that they meet these charter commitments. We will be seeking a more detailed set of underpinning agreements in January to support this.

3. It is agreed that non-voluntary migrations may happen before a shared definition of ‘vulnerable’ is created (commitment 4), provided the other commitments of this charter are met.’

4. Government is working closely with the telecare industry to ensure that providers make progress in delivering services that are fully compatible with digital landlines.  Government is also working with the telecare industry and with local authorities to encourage information sharing about customers and residents with communication providers to help identify customers who may need additional support.

5. Government is also working with network operators to agree a set of complementary commitments that specifically apply to infrastructure providers. When these commitments are agreed, they should be read in conjunction with the commitments for Communication Providers.

List of signatories

  • Ogi
  • BT
  • Virgin Media O2
  • Sky
  • TalkTalk
  • Vodafone
  • Shell Energy
  • KCOM
  • Zen Internet
  • Broadband for the Rural North (B4RN)