Prove your status without a BRP

You may be able to prove your immigration status a different way if you cannot use your biometric residence permit (BRP) and still have permission to stay in the UK. For example, if:

  • you have not received your BRP yet
  • your BRP is lost or stolen
  • your BRP has expired

You cannot use a BRP to confirm your right to work or rent. You’ll need to prove your right to work online or prove your right to rent online instead.

Prove your immigration status to the government or the NHS

If you need to prove your status to get benefits or use the NHS, tell the government department, local council or NHS service you’re dealing with that your BRP has not arrived. They will contact the Home Office to confirm your status.

Leave and re-enter the UK

If you need to leave and re-enter the UK before you get your BRP, apply for a ‘replacement BRP visa’. This will let you re-enter the UK once only. It costs £154.

When you apply, you’ll need to:

  • choose the country you’re going to provide your fingerprints and photo in
  • confirm that you can travel to a visa application centre

Apply for a replacement BRP visa.

Open a bank account

You usually do not need a BRP to open a bank account. Contact the bank to check if you’ll need a BRP or if you can use a different document.