Extend or settle if you applied before 5 April 2012

There are different rules if you applied for a Domestic Worker in a Private Household visa on or before 5 April 2012.

You can:

  • extend your stay in the UK every 12 months
  • apply to settle permanently in the UK after 5 years
  • bring your partner and children under 18
  • change employer while your visa is valid

How long you can stay

You can apply to extend your visa for 12 months at a time.

If you’ve worked in the UK as a domestic worker for 5 years you can apply to settle permanently in the UK.

You should apply before your current permission to stay expires.


To extend your visa you must:

  • be a domestic worker in a private household
  • have applied for your domestic worker visa on or before 5 April 2012
  • have continued to live in the UK
  • apply while you’re still in the UK

To settle in the UK as a domestic worker you must:

  • have applied for your domestic worker visa on or before 5 April 2012
  • have been living here legally for at least 5 years
  • currently have permission to stay here as a domestic worker
  • have been in the UK as a full-time domestic worker continuously throughout the 5 years (you cannot have been outside the UK for more than 180 days in any 12 consecutive months)
  • have maintained and accommodated yourself and any dependants without the use of public funds throughout the 5 years
  • have sufficient knowledge of English and life in the UK

Documents you’ll need

To extend your visa you must provide both of the following:

To settle in the UK you must provide:

If you’ve had any absences because of serious illness, births or deaths in your family, or had to leave the UK, you also need to write a letter detailing these. You should also include any related supporting documents with your letter, for example medical certificates, birth/death certificates, information about why you had to leave the UK.

How to extend your visa

You must apply online to extend your visa.

You can include your dependants (partner and children aged under 18) on your application.

If you have any dependant children aged over 18 they will need to apply separately.

How to apply to settle

You must apply online to settle.

You can include your dependants (partner and children aged under 18) on your application. Your partner must be able to demonstrate their knowledge of English and life in the UK.

If you have any dependant children aged over 18 they will need to apply separately.


For each person applying it costs:

  • £1,258 to apply to extend your visa
  • £2,885 to apply to settle

You’ll each need to have your biometric information (fingerprints and a photo) taken - there’s no fee for this.

Get a faster decision on your application

You can pay an extra £1,000 to use the super priority service.

Providing biometric information and supporting documents

When you apply, you’ll be asked to make an appointment at a UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point to provide your biometric information (your fingerprints and a photo).

You’ll also need to submit your supporting documents. You can:

  • upload them into the online service
  • have them scanned at your UKVCAS appointment

You must not travel outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man until you get a decision. Your application will be withdrawn if you do.

Get help to apply online

You can get help with completing the online form if you:

  • do not feel confident using a computer or mobile device
  • do not have internet access

You can only use this service if you’re applying in the UK.

You cannot get immigration advice through this service.

Getting a decision

A decision will be made within 8 weeks of your application date if you use the standard service.

If you use the super priority service a decision will be made:

  • by the end of the next working day after your UKVCAS appointment if your appointment is on a weekday
  • 2 working days after your UKVCAS appointment if your appointment is at the weekend

Once you’ve got your decision letter, your biometric residence permit will take up to 10 working days to arrive.

Working days are Monday to Friday, not including bank holidays.

You’ll be contacted if your application is complex and will take longer, for example:

  • if your supporting documents need to be verified
  • if you need to attend an interview
  • because of your personal circumstances, for example you have a criminal conviction

Once you’ve applied you can stay in the UK until you’ve been given a decision, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.