Committee member

Charlotte Pickles


Charlotte (Charlie) Pickles is Director at Reform. She was previously Reform’s Deputy Director and Head of Research. Prior to returning to Reform, Charlie was Managing Editor at, the comment and current affairs site.

During the coalition government she was Expert Adviser to Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith, then Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Before that she was Policy Director at the Centre for Social Justice. Charlie has also spent time working as a management consultant in the public sector practice of a global consultancy firm.

Charlie is also a member of the NHS Assembly.

Committee member

Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC) members are appointed by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to:

  • give advice on social security issues as it sees fit
  • consider and report on social security regulations that have been referred to it
  • advise on matters referred to it by the Secretary of State or the Northern Ireland department responsible for social security
  • scrutinise the products produced by the Department for Work and Pensions

Social Security Advisory Committee