Closed consultation

Proposed amendments to PACE Codes of Practice A and C: strip searches

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We are consulting on ways to strengthen the safeguards for children and vulnerable persons who are subject to searches involving the exposure of intimate parts without hindering the police’s ability to keep the public safe.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

Strip search involving the exposure of intimate parts is one of the most intrusive powers available to the police.

The government recognises that these powers are needed in order for the police to prevent harm and effectively investigate crime. However, it is vital these searches are only conducted where necessary and proportionate, in a fair and respectful manner, without unlawful discrimination, and with full regard for the welfare and dignity of the individual being searched.

These considerations are particularly important where the person being searched is a child or vulnerable person.

The revisions proposed in this consultation are intended to strengthen the safeguards for children and vulnerable persons who are subject to searches involving the exposure of intimate parts and emphasise the importance of safeguarding, without hindering the police’s ability to keep the public safe.


Draft revised PACE Code 2024 A

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Draft revised PACE Code 2024 C

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Published 30 April 2024