Publication scheme

The scheme specifies the categories of information that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and its agencies publish, and explains how to find and view it.

The Freedom of Information Act requires us to tell members of the public how they can find information that is routinely made available. Find out more information about this requirement on the Information Commissioner’s Office website. We are using the Information Commissioners’s model publication scheme.

We publish the majority of our information on this website, and specific documents can be found by searching transparency and freedom of information releases.

If the information you want is not routinely published, you can request it under the Freedom of Information Act. Where the information is already published, you will find the required link in the list on this page.

Information about how to access your personal information is in our personal information charter.

Who we are and what we do

Most of this information can be found on our department’s homepage and includes:

Legislation relevant to the FCDO’s functions

What we do and how we spend

Links will be added when available on our work and our spending, which includes:

Research and statistics at FCDO

Our priorities and how we are doing

Links will be added when available. This includes:

How we make decisions

FCDO governance, including executive and management boards, ministers and senior staff.