Consultation outcome

Measures to help staff speak out about patient safety

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

The feedback from this consultation informed the government’s response set out in the report ‘Learning not blaming: response to 3 reports on patient safety’.

Original consultation


Seeks views on measures to carry out recommendations in 'Freedom to Speak Up' that will help staff feel safe to speak out on patient safety.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We want your views on measures to carry out the recommendations, principles and actions from the ‘Freedom to Speak Up’ review by Sir Robert Francis QC.

Recommendations in the review include:

  • every NHS organisation having a “Freedom to Speak Up Guardian” who will report directly to the Chief Executive on their progress on reducing bullying and intimidation
  • a new independent National Whistleblowing Guardian who will provide national leadership
  • every NHS manager and leader to have training on how to raise concerns and how to treat people who raise concerns
  • production of guidance for NHS organisations on how to handle whistleblowing cases
  • devising and establishing a support scheme for staff who have blown the whistle
  • considering evidence around whistleblowing and bullying as part of the ‘Fit and Proper Persons Test’ when appointing directors, senior managers or leadership


Updates to this page

Published 12 March 2015
Last updated 23 March 2015 + show all updates
  1. Added a link to the consultation's online survey asking about measures to help staff speak out about patient safety.

  2. First published.

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