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Updates: Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities


10 June 2024 published amendments

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Updated guidance following the laying of the Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) and Persons Subject to Immigration Control (Housing Authority Accommodation and Homelessness) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 on 17 May 2024.

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraphs 7.14 and 7.18 following the laying of the Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) and Persons Subject to Immigration Control (Housing Authority Accommodation and Homelessness) (Amendment) Regulations 2024 on 17 May 2024.

31 May 2024 published amendments

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Updated guidance following the laying of the Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) (Amendment) Order 2024 on 14 March 2024.

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

Amended paragraphs 17.39, 17.63, 17.65 following the laying of the Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) (Amendment) Order 2024 on 14 March 2024.

3 May 2024 published amendments

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Updated guidance.

Chapter 22: Care leavers

Amended paragraphs 22.6, 22.7, 22.17, 22.19. Added new paragraph 22.18.

28 February 2024 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

Added new paragraphs 17.12, 17.13


27 October 2023 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraphs 7.14, 7.18

31 May 2023 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

Amended paragraphs 17.34, 17,37, 17.61, 17.63

15 May 2023 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraphs 7.14, 7.18

31 January 2023 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraph 7.14

Chapter 26: Victims of violence

New section added.


1 June 2022 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 4: The duty to refer cases in England to housing authorities

Amended paragraph 4.3

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraph 7.14

Chapter 14: Ending the prevention and relief duties

Added new paragraph 14.11

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

Amended paragraph 17.35. Added new paragraphs 17.37, 17.61, 17.62, 17.63

Chapter 23: People with an offending history

Amended paragraphs 23.5, 23.7, 23.8, 23.21, 23.24, 23.27, 23.28

22 March 2022 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraphs 7.14, 7.18


12 October 2021 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 8: Priority need

Amended paragraph 8.45

16 September 2021 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraphs 7.14, 7.18, 7.34

5 July 2021 published amendments

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Updated guidance

Overview of the homelessness legislation

Added new paragraph 5 and amended paragraphs 16 and 23.

Chapter 2: Homelessness strategies and reviews

Amended paragraph 2.53

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Amended paragraphs 7.9, 7.11, 7.13, 7.14, 7.18, 7.20, 7.31, 7.32, 7.34

Chapter 8: Priority need

Added new paragraph 8.13. Amended paragraphs 8.3, 8.37, 8.38

Chapter 9: Intentional homelessness

Amended paragraphs 9.18, 9.22

Chapter 10: Local connection and referrals to another housing authority

Amended paragraphs 10.51, 10.52, 10.54

Chapter 11: Assessments and personalised plans

Amended paragraph 11.23

Chapter 16: Securing accommodation

Amended paragraph 16.40

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

Amended paragraph 17.6

Chapter 18: Applications, decisions and notifications

Amended paragraph 18.22. Added new paragraph 18.23

Chapter 21: Domestic abuse

Chapter rewritten

Chapter 23: People with an offending history

Amended paragraph 23.2. Added new paragraphs 23.3, 23.4

Chapter 25: Modern slavery and trafficking

Chapter rewritten

22 April 2021 published amendments

Chapter 4: The duty to refer cases in England to housing authorities

Correction: On 19 April 2021 a new paragraph 4.19 was added (not 4.17).

Chapter 18: Applications, decisions and notifications

Correction: On 19 April 2021 a new paragraph 18.30 was added (not 8.30) and 18.32 amended (not 8.32).

19 April 2021 published amendments


31 December 2020 published amendments

29 June 2020 published amendments

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New section added.

Chapter 8: Priority need

Added new paragraphs 8.44 and 8.45


15 April 2019 published amendments

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

Changes to paragraph 17.58, moved up to become 17.48. Change to paragraph 17.49

Chapter 19: Review of decisions and appeals to the county court

Change to paragraph 19.23

6 February 2019 published amendments

Annex 1: The habitual residence test

Amended paragraph 21.


1 November 2018 published amendments

Chapter 1: Introduction

Amended paragraph 1.1.

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

Added paragraph 7.12 (h).

Chapter 8: Priority need

Added new paragraph 8.40.

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

Added new paragraph 17.10.

20 June 2018 published amendments

22 February 2018 published amendments


New section added.

Overview of the homelessness legislation

New section added.

Chapter 1: Introduction

New section added.

Chapter 2: Homelessness strategies and reviews

New section added.

Chapter 3: Advice and information about homelessness and the prevention of homelessness

New section added.

Chapter 4: The duty to refer cases in England to housing authorities

New section added.

Chapter 5: Contracting out homelessness functions

New section added.

Chapter 6: Homeless or threatened with homelessness

New section added.

Chapter 7: Eligibility for assistance

New section added.

Chapter 8: Priority need

New section added.

Chapter 9: Intentional homelessness

New section added.

Chapter 10: Local connection and referrals to another housing authority

New section added.

Chapter 11: Assessments and personalised plans

New section added.

Chapter 12: Duty in cases of threatened homelessness (the prevention duty)

New section added.

Chapter 13: Relief duty

New section added.

Chapter 14: Ending the prevention and relief duties

New section added.

Chapter 15: Accommodation duties and powers

New section added.

Chapter 16: Securing accommodation

New section added.

Chapter 17: Suitability of accommodation

New section added.

Chapter 18: Applications, decisions and notifications

New section added.

Chapter 19: Review of decisions and appeals to the county court

New section added.

Chapter 20: Protection of personal property

New section added.

Chapter 21: Domestic abuse

New section added.

Chapter 22: Care leavers

New section added.

Chapter 23: People with an offending history

New section added.

Chapter 24: Former members of the armed forces

New section added.

Chapter 25: Modern slavery and trafficking

New section added.

Annex 1: The habitual residence test

New section added.