Corporate report

UKHSA Advisory Board: update on committees

Updated 13 December 2023

Purpose of the paper

The purpose of the paper is to confirm the appointment of Cindy Rampersaud as Deputy Chair of the Advisory Board and to inform board members of changes to the membership of the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) and People and Culture Committee and to the terms of reference of the Science and Research Committee.

An updated table setting out the membership of the Advisory Board committees is set out in Annexe A.


The Advisory Board is asked to note that:

  • Cindy Rampersaud has been confirmed as Deputy Chair of the Advisory Board
  • Professor Jon Friedland will become a member of the Audit and Risk Committee and step down from the People and Culture Committee
  • Cindy Rampersaud will join the People and Culture Committee
  • the Science and Research Committee terms of reference would be updated to include a specific focus on science related skills development and pay

Deputy Chair of the UKHSA Advisory Board

The Advisory Board terms of reference state that:

Following consultation with DHSC, the Chair may recommend to the Advisory Board that one of the non-executives set out in paragraph 2.1.(i) be appointed as Deputy Chair. If there is a vacancy in the office of Chair, then any person so appointed as Deputy Chair shall be Acting Chair until such time that a new Chair has been appointed.

The full complement of non-executive members was completed in April 2023, and it has been agreed that Cindy Rampersaud will be Deputy Chair. 

The Deputy Chair will also chair meetings of the Advisory Board if the Chair is ever unavailable. This has been shared with the Department of Health and Social Care.

Committee membership

Following the permanent appointment of the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee it has been identified that the membership of the ARC should be broadened to include a non-executive with a scientific background given the risk profile of UKHSA. It has therefore been agreed that Professor Jon Friedland will join ARC as a non-executive member.

To ensure the balance of non-executives’ time it has also been agreed that Professor Friedland would step down from the People and Culture Committee. Cindy Rampersaud will join as a non-executive member of the People and Culture Committee.

Science and research committee: terms of reference

Following the Advisory Board effectiveness review which took place earlier this year, it had been identified that the role of the Science and Research Committee would benefit from a specific focus on scientific skills development and pay. This change has been agreed between the Chairs of both the Science and Research Committee and People and Culture Committee. The terms of reference for the Science and Research Committee will be updated for agreement at its next meeting.  

It has also been confirmed that the People and Culture Committee continue to have insight into this area, in the context of its broad discussions on all aspects of workforce.

Next steps

The terms of reference for each committee will be updated to reflect the changes as set out and shared with agreement for each committee. Once agreed, they will be published on the Advisory Board webpages on GOV.UK.

Annexe A: Advisory Board committee membership as of November 2023

Audit and Risk Committee
Cindy Rampersaud Chair and Non-executive member
Jon Friedland Non-executive member
Sir Gordon Messenger Non-executive member
Simon Blagden Associate non-executive member
Equalities, Ethics and Communities Committee
Graham Hart Chair and Non-executive member
Jennifer Dixon Non-executive member
Mark Lloyd Non-executive member
Marie Gabriel Associate non-executive member
Raj Long Associate non-executive member
Susan Hopkins Executive Committee lead and Chief Medical Advisor
Scott McPherson Director General, Strategy Policy and Programmes
Oliver Munn Director General, Health Protection Operations
People and Culture Committee
Sir Gordon Messenger Chair and Non-executive member
Mark Lloyd Non-executive member
Cindy Rampersaud Non-executive member
Jac Gardner Executive Committee lead and Chief People Officer
Dame Jenny Harries Chief Executive
Science and Research Committee
Jon Friedland Chair and Non-executive member
Jenifer Dixon Non-executive member
Graham Hart Non-executive member
Isabel Oliver Executive Committee lead and Director General, Science and Research (Chief Scientific Officer)
Susan Hopkins Chief Medical Advisor