Research and analysis

Experience of claiming and receiving Carer’s Allowance

This research explores how and why claimants claimed Carers’ Allowance (CA) and their experiences of claiming the benefit.


Experiences of claiming and receiving Carer’s Allowance

Experience of claiming and receiving Carer’s Allowance

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Research background

The research focuses on the current lived experience of Carers’ Allowance (CA), how and why people claim, how claimants report change of circumstances and in particular how well CA rules and obligations are communicated and understood in light of over-payment repayment issues, responding to concerns raised at the Work and Pensions Committee about the impact of overpayments on claimant wellbeing.

There were four key research objectives that were explored in both the qualitative and quantitative research phases.

1. To understand how and why people claim CA.

2. To understand how the caring roles of CA claimants have evolved and changed.

3. To examine how well CA rules are communicated and understood.

4. To gather evidence of claimants’ experiences of combining paid work and care, and their experiences of employment support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Contribution to the evidence base

Various research has been conducted into the experiences and circumstances of CA claimants. Research commissioned in 2011 by the DWP  explored reasons why individuals claim CA and their experiences.

The department also publishes data on Fraud and Error in the benefit system, providing insight into the proportion of CA claims resulting from either. 

Additionally, a Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into CA overpayments in 2020 heard evidence about claimants’ experience of overpayments.

This research, commissioned by DWP, adds to previous findings, providing up to date information on these topics and further exploring specifically how CA interacts with paid work. 

Research value

The research will provide a useful insight on the factors that lead to people claiming Carer’s Allowance, how the benefit interacts with employment and the impact of recovery of overpayments on the carer and the person they are caring for.

Published 16 May 2024