Common Frameworks Update
Publication of documents relating to development of common frameworks. Included is an overview of the delivery process and an ‘outline framework’.
The UK Government continues to work closely with the Devolved Administrations to develop common frameworks in line with the frameworks principles agreed by JMC(EN) on 16th October 2017.
The documents that we are publishing today demonstrate that the UK Government and devolved administrations are committed to working together to develop frameworks and doing so in a transparent way.
This ‘frameworks update’ details how we are working together to put frameworks in place and how we plan to share this work with stakeholders, legislatures and other interested parties. Included is an overview of the delivery process and an ‘outline framework’ that provides an example of what a framework will look like. This is an important illustration of the kinds of things that a framework will cover, noting that all frameworks will be specific to the needs of individual policy areas.