Jon Benjamin


Jon Benjamin was UK Ambassador to Mexico between 2021 and 2024. Jon joined the Diplomatic Service in 1986, and previously represented the British government in Chile, Ghana, Turkey, Indonesia, and the United States, during his 35-year career.

Before his role in Mexico, Jon was Director of the Diplomatic Academy in London. He was responsible for the creating and implementing an academy giving the British foreign service, and others working internationally for the government, the skills and diplomatic and linguistic knowledge they needed to implement UK foreign policy.

He served as UK Ambassador to Chile (2009 to 2014), High Commissioner to Ghana (2014 to 2017), as well as concurrent Ambassador to several other neighbouring countries in West Africa. He was also Consul General in New York, having represented the United Kingdom in Indonesia and Turkey. Among those overseas assignments, in London he also headed the Human Rights department and was chief of staff for the Minister for European Affairs.

Previous roles in government

  • British Ambassador to Mexico
  • Director of the Diplomatic Academy
  • British High Commissioner to Ghana
  • British Ambassador to Chile