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Feedback on our work

Clients rate us 4.8 out of 5

Clients rate us 4.8 out of 5 - peoples hands holding up scorecards

Our team delivers policy analysis and advice for colleagues across government, creating reports on agreed topics and organising workshops and other events to facilitate expert engagement.

We try to gather feedback on our projects to ensure we’re delivering the best possible service for our customers. Since 2019, we’ve delivered over 70 policy projects, with an average satisfaction score of 4.8 out of 5.

Colleagues give a range of reasons for working with us, including:

  • Getting a better understanding of the academic evidence on a topic
  • Diversifying their thinking
  • Generating policy ideas
  • Building networks with academics and other experts
  • Accelerating progress on a project

Happily, as our high satisfaction score suggests, customers tend to be very happy with our work, feeding back that we:

  • Are easy to work with and can deliver rapid outputs
  • Synthesise lots of evidence and explain the most useful insights for policy
  • Help them engage academics more intensively
  • Uncover or help generate ideas they would not otherwise have had

If you’d like to work with us, please get in touch at

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Published 17 August 2022