Press release

Change of UK Permanent Representative to European Union

FCO confirm that Ivan Rogers will succeed Sir Jon Cunliffe as UK Permanent Representative to EU in November 2013.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
EU Flag by Bobby Hidy

Mr Ivan Rogers has been appointed the UK’s Permanent Representative to the European Union in succession to Sir Jon Cunliffe CB, who will be taking up his appointment as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England. Mr Rogers will take up his appointment in early November 2013.

Mr Rogers has had a wide-ranging civil service career working across a range of domestic and European policies, and has also spent some years in the private sector working for Citigroup and Barclays Capital. Currently the Prime Minister’s Adviser on EU and Global Issues, and Head of EU and Global Issues Secretariat in the Cabinet Office, he was UK Sherpa for the G8 summit at Lough Erne.

Mr Rogers was Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Tony Blair MP. He was also Chief of Staff to Sir Leon Brittan at the European Commission. Earlier on his career Mr Rogers was Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, having also worked on European issues in HM Treasury and benefits issues in the Department of Social Security.

Mr Rogers will transfer from the Cabinet Office to the FCO for this appointment.

On his appointment, Mr Rogers has said:

I’m honoured to be appointed the UK’s Permanent Representative to the European Union at this important time.

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Mr Mark Ivan Rogers

Date Role
2011 – present No 10, Prime Minister’s Adviser on Europe and Global Issues, and Head of the Europe and Global Issues Secretariat
2010 – 2011 Barclays Capital, Head of Public Sector Industry Group (UK and Ireland)
2006 – 2010 Citigroup, Head of UK (and Brussels institutions) Public Sector Group
2003 – 2006 No 10, Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister
2002 – 2003 HM Treasury, Director, Budget and Tax Policy
1999 – 2002 HM Treasury, Director, EU Policy and Strategy
1996 – 1999 European Commission, Chief of Staff to the Vice-President
1995 – 1996 HM Treasury, Team Leader, Aid, Diplomacy and Intelligence
1994 – 1995 HM Treasury, Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer
1992 – 1994 HM Treasury, Agriculture and Industry
1986 – 1992 Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS)

Further information

UK and the European Union

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Published 4 September 2013