Being taken to an employment tribunal
At the hearing
Cases are normally held at the employment tribunal office closest to where you worked.
You must take the documents you’re using to support the case.
You cannot claim for expenses for going to the hearing.
What happens at the hearing
You’ll present the case to the tribunal - someone else can do this for you, such as a lawyer, friend or family member. The claimant will present their case against you.
You may be asked questions by:
- the judge
- the claimant
- 2 other tribunal members (only in certain tribunals)
Get a decision
You’ll be sent the decision in the post a few days or weeks after the hearing. The decision will be published on GOV.UK. In certain cases you may also be given the decision at the hearing.
If you win the case
In most cases, you will not be awarded any compensation if you win. However, if the claimant acted unreasonably or if their case had no hope of success, you can ask to be awarded costs by the tribunal.