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In Manual Service Manual
  • What to do during the beta phase, launching your service in private and public beta and deciding to move on to live.

  • Identify the skills your team needs, procure them through a third party supplier, contractor, temporary worker or interim; includes the Digital Marketplace.

  • Building or buying services that government users find easy to use.

  • This community is for buyers of digital data and technology services in central government and the wider public sector, particularly those using the Digital Marketplace.

  • How to choose the right tools to measure your service: features, cost, security, support.

  • Running a successful alpha phase, building and testing prototypes, and deciding whether to move on to beta.

  • Helping government teams create and run great digital services that meet the Service Standard.

  • Using the WCAG 2.2 design principles and guidelines to build accessible services.

  • Understand user needs: plan research, prepare for sessions, share and analyse findings.

  • Agile is the approach to project management that is used to build and run government digital services.

  • How to test your service to make sure it's accessible to disabled users.

  • The Service Standard helps teams to create and run great public services.

  • What happens at a service assessment and what to do when you get your results.

  • Connect with practitioners across government to share best practice, discuss challenges and support each other.

  • Which services need an assessment and how to adapt the Service Standard to different types of service.

  • Finding out what users need from your service will help you design a service that’s easy to use and valued by the people who need it.

  • How to use data to improve your service: measuring, reporting, analytics tools and techniques.

  • Create a mobile experience that meets user needs without relying on native or hybrid apps.

  • What to do in discovery, how long it takes, how you know it's finished and deciding when to move on.

  • Managing a service team: roles, recruiting the people you need, working with contractors, training.