Beside DfE Professional and production staff the following post holders are given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release. Secretary of State for Education Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Childcare and Education Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Schools) PS Advisors Permanent Secretary Senior Press Officer Press Officer Director General, Education standards directorate Director General, Children’s services and departmental strategy Director, Data and education standards Director, Early years and childcare Chief Analyst – Director Deputy Director, Early years curriculum and teaching Grade 6, Childcare market and early years curriculum and teaching G7,Childcare, early years and SEN analysis and research SEO, Early years curriculum and teaching Senior Statistical Officer, Foundation years and SEN analysis and research G6,Behaviour, attendance and disadvantage division G7, Behaviour, attendance and disadvantage division SEO, Behaviour, attendance and disadvantage division SEO, Special educational needs and disability division