P:Beside DfE Professional and production staff the following post holders are given pre-release access up to 24 hours before release. I:Secretary of State for Education I:Parliamentary Under-Secretaty of State for Education and Childcare I:Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families I:Permanent Secretary I:Special Advisers I:Director: Data and Statistics Division I:Director: Strategic Analysis, Research % POlicy Impact Group I:Director: Early Years, Extended Schools % Special Needs Group I:Deputy Director: Foundation Years, Free Early Education % Funding Division I:Deputy Director: Foundation Years:Quality and Standards Division I:Team Leader: Children's Centres % Foundation Years Workforce I:Team Leader: Early Years Evidence % Early Intervention Foundation Team I:Team Leader: Early Education % Childcare Workforce Team I:Team Leader: Infrastructure and Funding Directorate I:Senior Exectutive Officer: 3% 4 year old Entitlement % Childcare Statutory Framework Team I:Chief Press Officer: Children and Families I:Senior Press Officer I:Press Officer