About us

We are a specialist list set up to deal with:

  • claims and appeals concerning patents (including supplementary protection certificates), registered designs, copyright issues, trade marks, semiconductor topography rights and plant varieties;
  • claims and appeals concerning the and other intellectual property rights

Larger, more complex claims whose value exceeds £500,000 and appeals about patents are heard by the Patents Court.

Other larger, more complex claims whose value exceeds £500,000, and appeals about intellectual property rights are heard in the General Intellectual Property List.

Smaller, simpler claims whose value does not exceed £500,000 for either patents or intellectual property can be heard by the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC).

All other intellectual claims are heard in the General Intellectual Property List. Intellectual property claims can be issued either directly into the Patents Court or IPEC, or more generally in the Intellectual Property List.

Who we are

We are a specialist court list within the Business and Property Courts of the High Court of Justice.

We are based at the Rolls Building in London.

Court information

forms and guidance
General Intellectual Property list
RCJ and Rolls Building daily court lists
Property, Trusts and Probate List practice direction
complaints procedure