Annex 1 – Options map

You must complete an options map for all Mid Tier applications.

How to complete your options map

You may find that the easiest way to complete your options map is to mark an option on the map at the same time as you choose it in the Rural Payments service.

Add each option you want to include in your application as follows:

  • Mark every option you have chosen with a coloured pencil on your Options map(s) using the appropriate colour for that option as specified on the Options map key.
  • Write the appropriate option code, using a black pen, on or against the option in each place where you have marked it on your Options map(s). The option markings must be clear and understandable, to be accepted.
  • Take care to measure option lengths or areas and then calculate values accurately as errors may lead to the reduction of payments and to penalties being applied.
  • For double sided hedges add the hedge twice, either side of the boundary. Note however, this is only allowed where both sides of the boundary are registered in the Rural Payments service. If one side has not been registered you are only allowed a single sided hedge.

Do not use correcting fluid on the maps as this will make them invalid.

Keep a copy for your records, and read the ‘Supporting documents and evidence’ section for more information about sending your maps to RPA.