Transporting limited quantities

You do not need to follow all the normal packaging and labelling regulations, and you do not need a dangerous goods safety adviser if you’re transporting ‘limited quantities’ of some dangerous goods.

Packing limited quantities

Goods shipped in limited quantities must be carried in small containers (for example bottles), which are then packed in boxes or on shrink-wrapped trays.

The maximum weight is 30kg for boxes, or 20kg for shrink-wrapped trays. The maximum weight for the individual containers depends on the type of goods.

These limits are listed in column 7a of the ‘Dangerous goods list’ in part 3 of ‘ADR.

For certain goods, the limit in column 7a of Table A is zero. These goods cannot be shipped as limited quantities.

Marking requirements

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website has more information on limited quantities, including details of the markings you need to put on packaging.