Official Statistics

UK statistics on waste

Figures compiled on the total waste generated for the whole of the UK.



This release contains statistics on waste produced at a UK level. The topics covered in this publication are:

  • Waste from Households -2010-21. UK and country breakdown.
  • BMW (Biodegradable Municipal Waste) to landfill - 2010-21. UK and country breakdown.
  • Total waste generated breakdown - 2010-18. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • Total waste treated breakdown - 2010-18. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • Infrastructure breakdown -2012-20. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • C&I (Commercial and Industrial) waste generation –UK 2010-20, England 2010-21. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • C&D (Construction and Demolition) recovery - UK 2010-20, England 2010-20. UK and England breakdown but not DAs.
  • Packaging waste recycling and recovery - 2021 (finalised). UK only.

Estimates of total waste generated and treated will not be produced this year whilst we undertake a review of their value to users. We are proposing permanently stopping production of estimates for certain elements of total waste generated and treated which includes agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, dredging spoils, offshore and sewage wastes. We are seeking feedback on how these statistics are used and how these proposals would impact you. Please could you email your feedback to with the subject heading ‘UK Statistics on Waste consultation’ by the 31st October 2023.

The datasets associated with this publication can be found here ENV23 - UK statistics on waste - GOV.UK (

Defra statistics: environment


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Updates to this page

Published 25 September 2014
Last updated 28 June 2023 + show all updates
  1. Annual publication update for 2023.

  2. 2022 update.

  3. Annual publication with updated data.

  4. Paragraph added to details section explaining the putting back of the publication date of this statistical release from 14 July 2021 to 15 July 2021.

  5. Amendments made to statistical release to meet accessibility requirements.

  6. Amendment to figure 4.

  7. Annual update.

  8. Minor revisions to figures.

  9. Correction to minor error in the Commercial & Industrial methodology document.

  10. Annual update.

  11. Revisions to release and associated datasets.

  12. Annual update.

  13. Minor amendments to the data and text slightly revised.

  14. Previous statistical notice already on web page deleted as per instructions of responsible statistician.

  15. New UK statistics on waste published.

  16. To publish 2014 biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) to landfill figures.

  17. New UK waste figures published.

  18. This update is to add 2010-12 UK estimates that were intended for inclusion in the original release on 25 September 2014, but were withdrawn in order to allow further quality assurance.

  19. New publication released

  20. First published.

  21. Information on new release updated

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