Statistical data set

ENV23 - UK statistics on waste

Update on the generation and management of UK waste, including the contributions made by various sectors.

This data set covers the waste generation and management figures for the whole of the UK.

Estimates of total waste generated and treated will not be produced this year whilst we undertake a review of their value to users. We are proposing permanently stopping production of estimates for certain elements of total waste generated and treated which includes agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, dredging spoils, offshore and sewage wastes. We are seeking feedback on how these statistics are used and how these proposals would impact you. Please could you email your feedback to with the subject heading ‘UK Statistics on Waste consultation’ by the 31st October 2023.

If you require the data in another format please contact:

UK statistics on waste data - 2023

UK statistics on waste data - 2023(Excel)

Table 1: Waste from Households, UK and country split, 2015–2021

Figure 1: Recycling rate from Waste from Households, UK and country split, 2010–2021

Figure 2: Biodegradable municipal waste to landfill UK and country split, 2010–2021

Table 2: Biodegradable municipal waste to landfill, UK and country split, 2010–2021

Table 3: Municipal waste to landfill, by main waste types, UK and country split, 2021

Table 4: Packaging waste and recycling / recovery, split by material, UK 2021

Table 5: Recovery rate from non-hazardous construction and demolition waste, UK, 2010–2020

Table 6: Recovery rate from non-hazardous construction and demolition waste, England, 2010–2020

Table 7: Total waste generated by the commercial and industrial sectors, UK, 2010–2020

Table 8: Total waste generated by the commercial and industrial sectors, England, 2010–2021

Figure 3: Waste generation split by source, UK, 2018

Table 9: Waste generation split by responsible economic activity, UK, 2016-18

Table 10: Waste generation split by responsible economic activity, England, 2016-18

Figure 4: Waste generation by waste material, UK, 2018

Table 11: All waste at final treatment, split by method, UK, 2016-18

Table 12: All waste at final treatment, split by method, England, 2016-18

Table 13: Material breakdown for each final treatment method, UK, 2018 - proportion of tonnages

Table 14: Number and capacity of permitted final treatment facilities, UK, 2018–20

Table 15: Number and capacity of permitted final treatment facilities, England, 2018–20

The files for this dataset can be found in CSV format on Data.Gov.UK (DGUK).

Updates to this page

Published 25 September 2014
Last updated 28 June 2023 + show all updates
  1. Annual update for 2023.

  2. Format of data for Table 1 amended.

  3. 2022 update.

  4. Annual update to dataset.

  5. Annual update.

  6. Minor revisions to figures.

  7. Minor revisions made to improve aesthetic layout of spreadsheets within the datasets.

  8. Annual update.

  9. Datasets October revision.

  10. Annual update.

  11. Minor amendments to the data.

  12. Previous statistical dataset already on web page deleted as per instructions of responsible statistician.

  13. Uk waste data updated

  14. To publish 2014 biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) to landfill figures.

  15. New data on UK statistics on waste published.

  16. Data updated to accommodate revise publication in March 2015.

  17. new datasets 2010-2012

  18. First published.