
Relevant offences list under military law

Published 9 January 2006

A number of offences under military law would disqualify a person from certain positions in the transport security sector.

Any unspent conviction for an offence listed at appendices 2, 3 or 4 but which is dealt with by a military court (under section 70 of the Army Act 1955, Section 70 of the Air Force Act 1955 or Section 52 of the Naval Discipline Act 1957) will be a disqualifying offence. In addition, the following military offences will also disqualify:

Military offences

Offences Legislation
Assisting the enemy s.24 of Army and Air Force Acts 1952 and s.2 Naval Discipline Act 1957
Looting s.25 of Army and Air Force Acts 1952 and s.3 Naval Discipline Act 1957
Mutiny s.31 of Army and Air Force Acts 1952 and s.8&9 Naval Discipline Act 1957