Independent report

Implementing Video hearings (Party-to-State) - A Process Evaluation

This report sets out the findings of an independent evaluation of the Video Hearings Pilot (party-to-state) 2018 carried out by HMCTS.



The following research reports on a process evaluation of the user experience of the HMCTS video hearings pilot for party-to-state hearings, in this instance the First-tier Tribunal (Tax Chamber). This is the first pilot conducted in England and Wales for Fully Video Hearings, where all parties participate in a hearing remotely.

The pilot used an early technical product to test the concept of video hearings. The research draws on interviews with video hearing users – appellants, their representatives, and HMRC representatives; observations of video hearings and traditional in-person hearings; and interviews with Judges managing the hearings. The research is small scale and exploratory.

Published 13 September 2018