FOI release

Driver CPC: course uploads by category for last 12 months and category D drivers still to do 35 hours

Published 15 November 2013

This is Freedom of Information request ia0060313

Can you please supply me with the following information regarding CPC data


Ratio of course uploads for cat D & cat C, CE month in, month out for previous 12 months.


This information is not held as we do not capture on our data base what licence entitlements the recipient of the training holds. We do however hold information about the total number of hours training delivered and number of course completed in total; you can find this information on our website at (if you scroll to the bottom of the webpage, you will also find links to historical reports. This information is therefore exempt under section 21 (information accessible by other means) of the FoIA. A copy of this exemption can be found attached at Annex A.


Number of cat D drivers that did not have 35 hours against their license at the Sept 10th deadline


Based upon our discussions with Driver CPC stakeholders, including the Sector Skills Councils, it is estimated that between 500,000 and 750,000 ‘professional’ drivers are subject to the Driver CPC requirements.

I must reiterate that the number of drivers anticipated to require a Driver CPC card is an estimated number as no one, including trade associations, has been able to provide a definite figure or a better estimate of the driver population.