
Update to Abortion Notification System

Updated 1 May 2024

Applies to England and Wales

New Abortion Notification System has gone live

The new Abortion Notification System went live at 5pm on Monday 27 June 2022.

You can no longer access the old Abortion Notification System.

Your old username and password will not work on the new system. You’ll need to register for a new account before you can access the system.

Register to use the new system

Log in to the new system

Read user guidance on the new system

What has changed

The system has been updated in line with the government’s digital design standards. However, it will remain recognisable to existing users.

All clinic administrator users need to have an individual account.

Users will need to register with their work email address.

You’ll need to use multi-factor authentication to use the system (using an app, SMS or email).

The URL for the system has changed.

For a short period of time there will be an automatic redirect from the old system to the new system. When you’re redirected to the new system, we recommend that you save the URL in your web browser as a favourite or bookmark as soon as possible.

The Abortion Notification System user guidance has been updated to support you with the new system.

Clinic account users: what you need to do now

To help speed up the registration process for clinic administrators on the new system, anyone who requires a clinic administrator account will require authorisation.

Please provide the following information for all clinic administrators within your clinic:

  • their full name
  • name of the hospital
  • their work email address

This information must be sent to DHSC by one of the following people:

  • lead physician
  • clinic manager
  • clinical director

Send this information to and include ‘FAO ANS transition’ in the subject line.

Practitioner users: what you need to know

When registering for the new system, you’ll need to provide the same practitioner address that was held in the old system.