Director General, Corporate and Delivery

David Kuenssberg


David is Director General, Corporate and Delivery for the Home Office, having been interim Director General Corporate Enablers in the Department since October 2021.

Prior to that he was the Strategic Finance Director in the department from January 2020. David has held various finance roles, including Executive Director, Corporate Resources at Brighton & Hove City Council from 2016, and was Deputy Director at the (then) Department for Communities & Local Government from 2007.

He was also Finance Director and Head of Business Operations at English Heritage between 1999 and 2007, having become CIPFA-qualified with PwC in 1997.

Director General, Corporate and Delivery

Corporate and Delivery brings together the key functions required to help the business deliver and includes:

  • Commercial
  • Digital, Data and Technology
  • Finance
  • Portfolio & Project Delivery
  • Security, Estates, and Information

Home Office