
Construction statistics

This series brings together all documents relating to construction statistics.

BIS Construction Market Intelligence (CMI) has responsibility for the collection, analysis and publication of statistics on the construction sector. We provide regular statistical analyses of building materials and overseas trade, price and cost indices and key performance indicators for the construction industry. As well as statistical advice, we work closely with economists in BIS to assist in the assessment of the construction market and in the formulation of efficient policies.

Monthly Statistics of Building Materials and Components

These statistics include the latest detailed information on selected building materials. It contains monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks; and quarterly data on sand & gravel, slate, concrete roofing tiles and ready-mixed concrete. In addition, there is annual and quarterly information on the value of overseas trade in building materials.

BIS Construction Price and Cost Indices Online

The Quarterly Price and Cost Indices are compiled by the Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) and a basic ‘tool of trade’ to anyone involved in estimating, cost checking and fee negotiation on public sector construction works. The indices comprise tender price indices, output price indices, output deflators for contractors and direct labour, etc. The indices are also available through the BCIS website, where further complementary Cost Indices and other construction data are available.

BIS CMI previously published the following related publications:

  • Price Adjustment Formulae Indices Online
  • MTC Updating Percentages Online

These publications are no longer under contract to BIS, but continue to be available through subscription from the BCIS website.

Construction Key Performance Indicators

The UK Construction Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are national data sets against which a project or a company can benchmark its performance. The data is collected each year from national surveys covering the construction industry and its clients.

Output and New Orders in the Construction Industry

The Office for National Statistics publishes estimates of Output and New Orders in the Construction Industry, on a monthly and quarterly basis, respectively. The figures cover the Great Britain and are broken down by sector, region and type of work.

Consultative Committee on Construction Industry Statistics (CCCIS)

The CCCIS meets twice a year to discuss issues relating to the collection and dissemination of UK construction statistics. It is chaired by BIS and has a wide membership representing Government, the construction industry and independent analysts.

Further information on the work of CMI is available via the links in the column on the left of this page.

If you have any comments about this page or any general queries about these publications, please contact the Materialstats mailbox.


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Published 30 January 2013