News story

New storage facility is ready for waste

Sellafield Ltd’s Interim Storage Facility (ISF) project is ready to support waste retrievals.

The Interim Storage Facility is ready to go and help us empty the ponds.

The Interim Storage Facility is ready to go and help us empty the ponds.

The Interim Storage Facility is paving the way for intermediate level waste to be removed from one of the sites priority high hazard retrieval facilities.

The completion of the waste store was marked by a special event attended by the project teams, the ISF supply chain and representatives from Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

Sellafield Ltd’s Waste Retrievals Director John Oliver said:

We talk about moving legacy waste to a safer place; well, this is one of those safer places – a modern, fit-for-purpose storage facility which has been built using a design template already successfully proven within the NDA estate.

Along with the other stores currently under construction, the Interim Storage Facility will be a vital part of our waste retrievals mission in the future.

Duncan Thompson, NDA Sellafield Programme Director added:

The completion of the ISF project is a fantastic example of the progress Sellafield has made in developing and implementing a fit-for-purpose facility that is helping to accelerate the mission of decommissioning and reducing the hazards of the UK’s civil nuclear legacy.

Developing and implementing innovative approaches to the challenges of nuclear decommissioning and clean-up is what we do and this is a great example of success at Sellafield, delivered safely, early and well below the estimated cost.

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Published 14 March 2018