World news story

Joint Nature Conservation Committee and Chilean Ministry for the Environment sign cooperation agreement

Memorandum of Understanding establishes cooperation for the conservation and management of coastal and marine protected areas.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Chief Scientist of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Christine Maggs, and the Minister of the Chilean Ministry for the Environment, Carolina Schmidt, after signing the MOU.

Chief Scientist of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Christine Maggs, and the Minister of the Chilean Ministry for the Environment, Carolina Schmidt, after signing the MOU.

The Chief Scientist of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Christine Maggs, and the Minister of the Chilean Ministry for the Environment, Carolina Schmidt, signed, on 14 January, a Memorandum of Understanding establishing their cooperation regarding the conservation and management of coastal and marine protected areas.

The Memorandum of Understanding identifies several common areas for collaboration, developed through an ongoing dialogue since discussions at the International Congress on Marine Protected Areas, IMPAC4, hosted in Chile in 2017. These include:

  • effective governance and administration of marine protected áreas
  • best practice approaches to the management of human activities
  • approaches to the measurement and valuation of marine ecosystem services
  • engaging communities
  • making best use of scientific advances to effectively monitor marine systems

Regarding the signature of the cooperation agreement, Minister Schmidt stated:

We welcome the United Kingdom’s interest in signing this cooperation agreement between the Joint Nature Cooperation Committee and the Chilean Ministry for the Environment. We hope that this work will achieve successful results and reach other fields including work towards the COP25 which Chile is organising.

Ambassador Jamie Bowden said:

It is very important for the UK that JNCC signs this cooperation agreement with the Ministry for the Environment, which will allow promoting in Chile JNCC’s approach for the sustainable management of biodiversity.


In Valparaíso, JNCC led a 3-day technical workshop on the challenges and opportunities associated with the effective management and monitoring of MPAs.

In Valparaíso, JNCC led a 3-day technical workshop on the challenges and opportunities associated with the effective management and monitoring of MPAs.

In addition to the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding, JNCC led a 3-day technical workshop on the challenges and opportunities associated with the effective management and monitoring of MPAs at the Catholic University and the National Fisheries Service located in the coastal city of Valparaíso.

GREAT Campaign

The activities of JNCC in Chile have received support from the GREAT campaign, a cross-Government initiative aimed to showcase the best of the UK and encourage people to visit, do business, invest and study in the UK. It is the Government’s most ambitious international promotional campaign ever, uniting the efforts of the private and public sectors to generate jobs and growth for Britain.

Further information

If you want to know more about this visit, contact Francisco Alvarez, Science and Innovation Officer, British Embassy, Santiago.

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Published 1 February 2019