News story

Collision between a tram and a pedestrian, Manchester

Investigation into an accident involving a collision between a tram and a pedestrian near to Market Street tram stop, 12 May 2015.

Layout of tracks in vicinity of Market Street tram stop

Layout of tracks in vicinity of Market Street tram stop

The accident occurred at 11:13 hrs and involved a tram operated by RATP Metrolink that had just departed from Market Street tram stop. The pedestrian, who had alighted from the same tram, initially walked past the front of it with the track on which the tram was standing to his left. Just beyond the tram stop, the track divides into two routes, with trams on the right-hand route heading for Mosley Street and trams on the left-hand route heading for Piccadilly Gardens. The tram from which the pedestrian alighted was routed towards Piccadilly Gardens.

Once alighting and boarding was complete, the tram driver sounded the whistle and started away from the Market Street stop. At around this time, the pedestrian was ahead of the tram, crossing the Mosley Street track. He continued onto the Piccadilly Gardens track and walked between the two rails. By this time, the tram was approaching and struck him, causing him to be knocked to the ground. He sustained serious injuries as a consequence.

The tram driver applied the tram’s brakes and sounded the whistle at about the time that the accident occurred.

The circumstances surrounding this incident only became apparent several days after the accident when RAIB asked RATP Metrolink for the images from the tram’s forward facing CCTV camera.

Our investigation will examine:

  • the actions of the pedestrian and the tram driver
  • the marking and layout of the tracks in the Market Street area
  • RATP Metrolink’s response to, and investigation of, the accident

Our investigation is independent of any investigation by the Office of Rail and Road or the police.

We will publish our findings at the conclusion of our investigation and the report will be available on our website.

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Published 2 July 2015