Press release

Appointment of UK non-resident Chargé d’Affaires to Iran

Mr Ajay Sharma has been appointed the UK’s non-resident Chargé d’Affaires to Iran.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Ajay Sharma

Ajay Sharma

Mr Sharma will take up his appointment immediately.

On 8 October the Foreign Secretary announced that the UK and Iran had agreed to appoint non-resident Chargés d’Affaires as an important step towards improving the bilateral relationship. Mr Sharma’s appointment will enable the UK to have more detailed and regular discussions with Iran on a range of issues, including conditions under which our Embassies could eventually be reopened. Mr Sharma will be based in the UK but will travel regularly to Iran.

Mr Sharma has significant experience of Iran and the region. He is currently Head of Iran Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and served previously as Deputy Head of Mission in Tehran.

On his appointment, Mr Sharma said:

I am delighted to take up this appointment at this important time in the UK’s relations with Iran. I am very much looking forward to renewing direct UK contact with the Iranian Government and society.

This is very much in the interests of both our countries. I hope to make my first visit to Tehran as non-resident Chargé later this month.

Personal details
Full name: Ajay Sharma
Period Post
Oct 2012 – present London, Head of Iran Department
Dec 2008 - Aug 2012 Paris, Deputy Head of Mission
Jun 2007 - Dec 2008 Tehran, Deputy Head of Mission
Jan 2005 - Mar 2007 London, Deputy Head of Security Policy Department (EU Defence and NATO)
Sep 2003 - Jan 2005 Ankara, Head of Political Section
Feb 2002 – Sep 2003 Moscow, Head of Economic Section
Dec1997 - Dec 2000 Ankara, Second Secretary Political

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Published 11 November 2013