The Food Law Code of Practice (England) Review 2016/17
Consultation description
Who will this consultation be of most interest to?
Local authorities
What is the subject of this consultation?
A review of the Food Law Code of Practice for England. Direction and guidance on the approach that local authority food law regulatory services should take is given in a statutory Code of Practice (Code). The Code sets out instructions and criteria to which food authorities must have regard. The Code requires periodic revision to ensure that it reflects current enforcement practices and supports delivery by local authorities of their official control obligations. It aims to ensure that enforcement is effective, consistent, risk-based and proportionate.
What is the purpose of this consultation?
The FSA welcomes views on its proposals to amend the Code, in particular:
clarifications and updates on the intervention rating scheme including the descriptors, to improve consistency on how authorised officers allocate risk rate scoring at food establishments;
updates and new guidance on food incidents and addressing food criminality; and
clarification of text where necessary to facilitate consistent interpretation and approach by authorised officers.